[RockNES] missing api-ms-win-core-**???

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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[RockNES] missing api-ms-win-core-**???
by on (#186919)
When you think it's all right... no. :shock:
RockNES is compiled with gcc version 4.8.1.

I use Windows 10 (upgraded from 7).
Re: [RockNES] missing api-ms-win-core-**???
by on (#186922)
If RockNES isn't importing it, then it doesn't matter what Kernel32 itself shows. Kernel32 gets loaded by every single process, even those that don't import it, so obviously it is able to load fine.

Read the article:
http://arstechnica.com/information-tech ... lims-down/

The API-CORE-*.dll imports from Kernel32 aren't actually real.
The OS does come with false stub DLL files made to look like what would be in there, look in C:\windows\system32\downlevel or C:\windows\syswow64\downlevel, and notice that they are all under 16k in size.
Re: [RockNES] missing api-ms-win-core-**???
by on (#186948)
I'm asking because of random freezes. Usually, it's on NTDLL.dll.

At anyway, it's full of errors. I'd like someone download depends v2.2 (attached) and let me know what's up.
Re: [RockNES] missing api-ms-win-core-**???
by on (#186963)
Bad pointers in the code end up as bad pointers in Windows API functions. Access violations and things like that. So you need to trap the bug and see the call stack down to the user code that triggered it.
Ollydbg can be used for this whether you have source code or not, but you can also just use your usual debugger.

As for errors you get in Dependency Walker, those are all phony and have to do with Minwin. The actual DLL loader ignores the phony DLL references, so it's not affected, just tools like Dependency Walker are affected.