What does your username mean? Why did you make it that way?
My username is very simple. I like 8-bit stuff and microcontrollers. And I'm a guy. Who isn't a guy here anyway, lol. I'd like to see some NES developer girls
Several username origins were mentioned
I picked the name of a not very popular character from an anime I liked since I was a kid (most people who watched this anime don't even know this is his name), thinking that not many people would pick the same name. I myself don't like the character, I just think the name sounds cool.
When I first started using this username, I was a teenager. Unfortunately I am no longer one.
But are you still psychopathic?
A friend had the user "teenager" in his teens. He was no doubt very teenagey.
I chose mine in a split second because i'm just reinventing the wheel. Not very thought-through.
I took my handle from
the reanimated skeletons in Doom II. Prior to that I just used (and occasionally still use, depending on the place) various abbreviated forms of my real name.
Someone in high school called me 'dustmop' once, so I decided to make it my handle.
No clue (yeah) about "Zepper", and no, it's not a pun with "tepples". It was a replacement for my old "Fx3", still used in my YouTube channel by the way.
My name is Doug F. I previously used this handle...here...
http://www2.digitech.com/soundcomm/guit ... ductid=240and was too lazy / unimaginative to think of a new one. And, I wish I had, because I don't like it. In the old days I went by 'pedestrian', but I don't like that either.
I prefer 'Doug', btw
When I was a kid I used to read all of the Asterix comics, and loved them like crazy.
Then when WoW was launched I made a character named Getafix because my character was an old mage with long white hair, and that matched the character of Getafix in the Asterix comics pretty closely.
But...Someone reported me, saying the name was derogatory somehow, and Blizzard made me change it. So I changed it to Getafixx, which they seemed to accept just fine. And I've used it as my handle since.
dustmop wrote:
Someone in high school called me 'dustmop' once, so I decided to make it my handle.
Unfortunately, I know this all too well! The teasing was in elementary school, though.
My birth name was "Dustin", and the second I turned 18, I took my grandfather's name "Daniel".
My username "Alp" is the exact same name I use in the hentai industry, actually!
An Alp is a homosexual incubus, so I thought the name would suit me rather well!
I have an official mascot for my future games, inspired by the now-defunct Elf Corporation.
Alp_Logo2.png [ 3.24 KiB | Viewed 2439 times ]
(EDIT: I got un-lazy, and uploaded a proper 1x version.)
I was into
glossopoeia as a kid. When I signed up to the flat assembler forums, my preferred username was taken, so I translated it into one of my old languages.
Seems to have worked; every search result I've ever seen for it is me.
First of all, Happy new year!! Great thread!
I usually stay thinking about other's nickname! I just took a look on the other thread, it's very nice!!
As for Tepples I tought it was something with Keppler an Teppes, but it's origin is a lot simpler than this.
As for Shonumi, first time I 've read this nick I read "chorume" wich, besides the bad pornunciation of Google Chrome by a friend of mine it's not a good thing, I think the word for it in english is Leachate.
Also it's nice to know YOSHi is still around and active!!
By the way, my username is just my first name. Wich is very uncommon for a brazilian guy.
In fact I always see this as a last name, AFAIK my father gave it to me because of a soccer player, and I even don't like much soccer!!
I used to use the nick Decerebrado, but it was taken by other guy and I just left it.
I tried some nicknames I tought was funny and more personal, but I didn't like any.
I think more personal than my name is impossible and my friends can easily recognise me!!
My username just mean drinking a beer/alcohol at night in Japanese. Since I like do to so and was sure it would be uncommon on English based bbs I used that nickname.
Mine is pretty obvious...I make "new" aka fresh hacks for a certain game.
mikejmoffitt wrote:
Take a guess.
mikejmoffitt =
mike james
Zepper wrote:
mikejmoffitt wrote:
Take a guess.
mikejmoffitt =
mike james
offittI'd guess Mike J. Moffitt. :)
koitsu wrote:
Zepper wrote:
mikejmoffitt wrote:
Take a guess.
mikejmoffitt =
mike james
offittI'd guess Mike J. Moffitt.
We've got us a super sleuth here!
Hamtaro126 actually stems as a main alias, Lesser Variations of me by username are:
SmilyMZX (on some older boards, and DeviantArt... because I cannot change my username to what I want to use unless I pay a fee for a type of premium membership on DA, which sucks)
AtariHacker is an Atariage account that I made is actually a result of trying to experiment with another new username.
H126The3rd WAS my Youtube channel's third alt name, I changed it even though it is still internally called that, My first was lost in time, and second was shut down (by me, with rage) due to meddling on youtube's part
Mine is actually "Tomaitheous Gun". Someone gave me that nickname in real life a long time ago. Tom -> Tommy Gun -> Tomaitheous Gun.
My Dragon Warrior editor from so long ago...
Funny, when I see your name, I always say...D. W. Edit. I guessed correctly.
Dwedit wrote:
My Dragon Warrior editor from so long ago...
I would never have guessed that.
From my older post: (no need to re explain)
My father is in the military, and some guy asked for commander Espozo, and no one knew what the heck he was talking about. My father's last name (which is obviously mine) is Sebastino, so you can see why there was some confusion.
My first name is Drew, if anyone cared. I also said this before. People always botch my last name, (even people who know me) but never that bad. It's pronounced phonetically.
Apparently, esposo is spouse in Spanish, but I didn't know that when I chose it as my user name... (Like how some other user wasn't familiar with a word from another language...)
That was good for a laugh!
My father had an old Windows 98 computer with some files he wanted to get off of it but wouldn't work because it had a bunch of viruses, so I took out the hard drive and attached it to a less old Windows XP computer, and found that the hard drive was only 8GB. Best part is, it took 20 minutes to dump.
Espozo wrote:
Apparently, esposo is spouse in Spanish
In portuguese too, but I think it's actually spelled "esposo" in both languages. But in portuguese, an "s" between vowels sounds like "z". I know that I always think of a married guy when I read your username.
the hard drive was only 8GB.
The hard drive in my first computer (a 386) was only 120MB, and I don't even recall running out of space back then! You laughing at 8GB makes me feel like a dinosaur!
Sound Recorder let me fill up my first 120MB hard drive...
I couldn't use a sound recorder because all the sound I had in that computer was from the PC speaker!
The computer i had in college had 6 GB Hard Drive, and Windows 95. I did end up filling that up, and got a second Hard Drive for it.
The computer I had before that, was an Apple IIgs, which a Hard Drive was an accessory that we didn't buy...it used 3.5 floppy drives. I recall having a modem, but there was really no internet... we could send a small message to other computers, but we didn't call it e-mail...you had to actually call another computer, and it went over the phone lines. (My memory is poor, I don't remember how this worked)
The computer we had before that was an Atari computer, which plugged into a TV. It had a 5.25 floppy drive. Somehow, we had over 50 games. Each on a different floppy. Oh, and, NO MOUSE. But you could plug a joystick into it.
<-- Well it's my real name, so no surprise here...
I sometimes use the nickname Gilbot though(especially when my real name as a handle is not available in a forum, etc.), as I used to make a lot of typos(even though one of the primary tasks of my job is proofreading) in some old IRC channels and I called myself a dyslexic robot that ate babies, hence the nickname.
Anyway, getting a 120 MB harddisk for the first PC was lucky. In my first PC, it was a 8088 with no harddisk, with a CGA card and a green monitor. Later, I got a 286 with a 40 MB harddisk. I remember the time after I installed Windows 3.0 I deleted all the help files (so I would be greeted with an error whenever I pressed F1) and "uninteresting" programmes such as notepad, to save space.
I also had Apple II clones (one of them is still working, sort of) and I never had luxury items such as harddisk or mice.
My first PC with a hard drive was a XT with a NEC V30? processor.
It was 10MB, (yes, megabytes! ) and used an ISA card with 2 flat cables to be connected.
I think it was an ST-506 or something similar... I think it used MFM tech, whatever that means...
The OS was called "Sisne Plus", a MS-DOS clone.
It was a "gift" from a richier friend who just got a brand new 386 with color monitor and a sound card. That costed a fortune here back in the day.
I was so happy! Had lots of fun with that old stuff
I was listening to this song when I registered.
My name is Tiido and I am still dreaming of making entertainment hardware lol.
Mine is inspired by the Tortoise and the Hare: "Slow and steady wins the race." But also Pavlov: ""Gradualness, gradualness, and gradualness. From the very beginning of your work, school yourself to severe gradualness in the accumulation of knowledge." ~ Ivan Pavlov"
When I got back into hobby coding ~2007 or so, I had become a very lazy and idle person. Thus it was easy to feel defeated by something challenging. Instead of punishing myself for moving slowly as I built up the required habits and knowledge to build my own game, I decided to affirm it and even celebrate it, with the name. I decided it was OK if I only, say, read and understood a single paragraph from nesdoc.pdf on any given evening. So long as I made it a habit to sit down 3 times a week to work on it, I knew I'd eventually finish a game.
Turns out age old wisdom works! I later discovered Scott Adams has very similar ideas about finishing projects:
Scott Adams speech
My nickname was formed (in 1996-1997) by taking
this and appending the letter "t" to the end, mainly because I was a fan of the game back then.
It's my name.
My other username is homsar47 after the best character ever, Homsar. Yes I'm registered on here twice, and no I did not know about it when making this account.
"Bregalad" is a minor character from the Lord of the Rings. I am not particularly a fan of these books, although I liked them. There was so many minor characters with cool names I thought it was a shame they weren't used more so I picked up one from a minor character I liked. That character is from a ent (treemen) race I used to think I could sort of identify myself to it - by that I mean my own personality is a bit close to those ents described in the Lord of the Ring). (There is already enough people prentending to be Aragorn or Legolas so that's why I picked up a minor character).