activity spike and decline

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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activity spike and decline
by on (#142635)
Why was there a sudden spike in activity for the last few months, and then a decline?
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142639)
Are you talking about sexual activity?
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142640)
Is there some posts per week graph that I'm not seeing? Or should I be randomly sampling the date of every 100th post number?
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142643)
I don't have a graph, but Today seems to be very slow for nesdev. Just a couple weeks ago, it was crazy how active this place was.
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142644)
I had a science project, so that could be part of the problem. :lol:
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142648)
I secretly placed a banner link to this site and then also removed it. Hahahahah
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142654)
psycopathicteen wrote:
Why was there a sudden spike in activity for the last few months, and then a decline?

I would reword this as a "constant level of activity for the last few months, and then a sudden decline."

If a few months counts as sudden, then one week is quantum.
Re: activity spike and decline
by on (#142670)
(Sampling, as tepples suggested) The past 2600 posts have been spaced fairly uniformly, mostly averaging 3ish posts per hour.

The oscillatory behavior that shows up is almost certainly aliasing against time of day.