Selling items on NesDev forums?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Selling items on NesDev forums?
by on (#142411)
Is this allowed?

I have a spare Everdrive MD, Modded Sega Saturn Model 1, and an S-Video modded Sega Genesis that I'm no longer using, and while I'd usually sell these things on ebay, I'd probably get dinged due to their crap policies.
Re: Selling items on NesDev forums?
by on (#142412)
It's allowed, particularly because 1) you're just a single person looking to sell some items, and 2) you're not "mass selling" items for commercial gain (e.g. "I have 9 billion repros of some hard-to-find cart for sale!! BUY MY STUFF!").

Because of the type of items being sold, I'd suggest the General Forum or maybe Other Retro Dev. I'll leave that up to you.