I'm not talking about now, this has been going on for years. It's like blast processing is the only ad ever made in video game history if we were to go by what people talk about. It's just plain absurd. And yes, this goes on both sides, in fact even moreso on the Sega side.
psycopathicteen wrote:
On a more serious note, I think the rotation effect uses a small amount of key frame rotation steps, and tile-per-offset mode to do inbetweeners.
Except for the part that vertical scroll can only be set every 16 pixels (this is why the shearing tricks in the Mega Drive rarely go beyond a bit of tilting). This uses DMA and autoincrement to overwrite vertical strips of the graphic giving more resolution in that direction. This is also why it'd be reliable in a game, the worst part comes in vblank.
As for what it could be used, well, I guess
this boss could be feasible, at least the spinning planet part.
psycopathicteen wrote:
The scaling square patterns I think is actually done with scanline palette changes.
Nope, software rendered. True that only a few scanlines are rendered and then swapped as needed (mind you, this is what Lawnmower Man does for its 3D stages as well), but no palette changes as that'd be too expensive. The bulk of CPU time gets spent rendering the text instead (because kabuto decided that the text had to be rendered in 3D at run time, that's why it spins...)