Here's my follow-up:
I do see issues when running this game under a PowerPak.
I tested 3 mapper sets, each with 5 Crash Dummies ROMs, so a total of 15 tests. All 3 mapper sets had the same issue with the same ROMs, so effectively there's no functional difference between the mapper sets WRT this game. The mapper sets I tested:
- -- "Base/stock" RetroUSB PowerPak set, v1.34
- -- circa 2010 sometime -- definitely differs from the below
- -- 2011-11-17 (according to loopy's site), i.e. the most recent set as of this writing
And the ROMs w/ their results:
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The (U) [!p].nes -- issue described below
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The (U) [b1].nes -- issue described below
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The (U) [b2].nes -- issue described below
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The (U) [b3].nes -- issue described below + bad graphics/audio
- Incredible Crash Dummies, The (U) [o1].nes -- issue described below
Note that none of the ROMs have (!) in their name, which according to the GoodNES docs indicates a ROM that is absolutely correct/confirmed not to have any dumping-related errors.
Now, the issue I see is this:
- Screens with a text scroller have a 1-pixel-height line of gobbledegook that flashes right above the scrolling text. Width of the line is about 2/3rds of the screen
- Screens with "static text" (text beneath an image), including those which also have the text scroller, will have the entire block of static text "jostle" or "jiggle". The text appears to shift upwards 1 horizontal row
- Gobbledegook above scroller and jiggling text happens "most" of the time, but not always -- sometimes after a "full screen transition" it won't happen. It isn't specific to any particular screen, it really is like it's random
- Still graphics at the top of the screen (the dummies, logo, etc.) do not ever jostle or have issues
- I do not see a "blotch" on the centre-right of the screen, or anywhere else
Two videos I made in the process showing the behaviour -- again, sorry for the quality, not much I can do about it given the wonderful design of my camera...
- bad I don't own a capture card.
My gut feeling is that the game is either doing mid-screen PPU writes and either taking too long at some points, or (more likely) botching the address that the internal part of the PPU needs to have to "properly" (i.e. no glitching) resume where it was drawing. I think the "blotch" you're seeing is probably the same thing.
Dwedit's explanation seems most likely, but it could also be something like what I said. Mid-screen PPU updates are always tricky. What I can't explain (because I'm not an EE guy or fully understand the hardware) is why this would happen only on a PowerPak.
And I can't dump the mask ROMs because my programmer/dumper is from the late 90s thus parallel-based. *grumbles* :P