Truly a classic.

Some little-known fun facts about it:
- The song was originally made in FastTracker 2 by my friend Drew. I made that Nerdtracker 2 version and maybe falsified the author field in that NSF, depending on perspective I guess. He did make Nerdtracker and Famitracker stuff by himself too (fun stuff, also pretty much unreleased).
- I'm pretty sure it used to be listed right on top of Zophar's Domain NSF archive in the early days. Amazing.
- There are something like 20+!!! sequels and remixes to the original song, all made in FastTracker 2. Mostly by me, and almost entirely unreleased except a few audio CD-Rs and cassettes. A couple of my tracks had NES versions that made it into my Chipography NSF.
- Someone from the internet sent in a couple amazing songs inspired by it (done in FT2 in NES-style, but the notes go too low for the NES to play it).
How such a strange track inspired so much stuff, I don't know. For audio masochists, I've attached one of the remix versions. Which is kind of like a medley of some of them, combined with variations on the original. It will be rough to listen to. Includes excepts from classics such as:
Ass-Raping Pirates Battling the Royal Navy
Ass-Raping Pirates Playing Handheld LCD Games
Ass-Raping Pirates in Their Secret Laboratory