2017 compo appreciation thread

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212814)
:D :D :D I can't contain myself. The nesdev compo submission deadline is the real christmas high (at least since childhood).
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212817)
FrankenGraphics wrote:
:D :D :D I can't contain myself. The nesdev compo submission deadline is the real christmas high (at least since childhood).

I can't wait to see them! How many games were submitted that you were involved with making? Your graphics might have upped the standard on how these competition games should look!
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212820)
:oops: Thanks!
How many games were submitted that you were involved with making?

2 out of 4 made it to the finish line (inherent smile & project blue) - the T-rex runner/rider and gothic topdowner were parked last fall due to real life. Still pretty satisfied i worked on them too. I've learned a _lot_.

I can't wait playing all these through now that i'll have some free time in February. It's a lot more fun than any commercial releases out there, imo
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212822)
FrankenGraphics wrote:
gothic topdowner


The two games you did get to finish look amazing though. Zolionline's art also got me salivating. And a round of applause for everyone who got their submissions in - I dunno if I'll be able to play any of them, but I want to!
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212849)
Last year was amazing, this year looks to be just as good if not better! Congrats to all who entered, and I am certainly curious to see what all was entered!
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212857)
FrankenGraphics wrote:
2 out of 4 made it to the finish line

Ha, well done! And quite uncommon - as far as my experience goes, usually the artist is too busy to work on a non-profit project long enough to finish everything. (attendees excluded of course) 8-)
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212861)
Yeah, i'm so excited over all the submissions falliing seemingly out of the sky. There's tons of interesting things this year (just like the previous one).

usually the artist is too busy to work on a non-profit project long enough

Tricks up my sleeve (no magic) to make time work:
-Weekly checks that i've pushed at least one project forward.
-Flexible job routine most of the year. I'm usually able to shift around assignments and contracts as long as they get finished on time, or otherwise pick dates for gigs as i need when touring fairs and expos.
-The amount of work is a little uneven so sometimes there's no spare time at all, at other times i can really dedicate myself for hours on end. It helps at least me that there are some unfragmented pockets of time where i can focus on doing one thing.
-When touring i almost always take the bus or train, which means i can work on hobby stuff while traveling.
-1 monthevery year spent in an isolated cabin with not much else to do, working in a park daytime, moving pixels and music on the evening. My version of paid vacation.
-Rest of the year i live in a co-housing with a couple of people of similar life philosophy and occupations. Pushes down rent and monthly fees almost by half, which means i can sometimes afford a bit of unpaid leave to pursue other things in life, including this.
-the house is too small to raise a family, so none of us do that for the time being. Might be the biggest factor, haha.
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212868)
Well... i admit i'm pretty excited to discover all the project : )
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212871)
I am also very excited to try all the entries. Personally I have just picked up work on my own project again. I have only released a few small projects done in C so far, but I wanted to do it from scratch with my own engine in 6502 for everything this time. It is coming along nicely, I finally got my 4 way scrolling working yesterday. I've thrown it out and started over about 4 times, but now I am pretty happy with it. Next up is the level format and compression. If all else fails I will just throw massive amounts of ROM at the problem :) Maybe I will submit something for the 2018 compo!

Your NES art is very good, FrankenGraphics. I am impressed!
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212873)
FrankenGraphics wrote:
The nesdev compo submission deadline is the real christmas high (at least since childhood).

I know what you mean. Ɓukasz and I legit giddy about getting to play and collaboratively judge all the submissions.
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212881)
13 entries!

(no, wasn't secretly hoping for <= 5 :lol:)
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212896)
A question for the philosophers: If there were only 4 entries, and all prizes had to be rewarded - who would win the fifth prize?
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212899)
A person who released homebrew outside the competition that current year. Contact that person. Ask if they accept. Find next person if no. (And if all of the people who have released homebrew the entire year say no to free stuff... award it to whoever will accept. If no one in the entire world will accept, the world explodes because the condition of the fifth prize needing to be awarded is not met.)
Re: 2017 compo appreciation thread
by on (#212906)
Nicoreh wrote:
Next up is the level format and compression. If all else fails I will just throw massive amounts of ROM at the problem

(i thought i had replied to this but must've closed the tab before posting somehow) That's honestly very pragmatic, i think, at least for a standalone release. If spare time for doing homebrew is limited, getting a bit "excessive" with ROM space is a pretty good trade against spending all of that time making the leanest framework possible.. and then still have a game to make. :o Unless you consider it an important sport to make it fit into a historical board configuration with less space, i suppose.

Well then, looking forward to see you join in next year then? :wink:

...Also thanks! Much appreciated.