EDIT - Project Blue has been submitted for judging as of a few moments ago.
Download a demo here, for anybody who wants to check it out. All comments (including criticism) are welcome.

project_blue_nam.bmp [ 61.05 KiB | Viewed 16178 times ]
This is a collaborative effort between myself and Frankengraphics. We plan on submitting the first level (64 screens w/ boss battle) for the compo. At this point, the game engine is mostly finished - there are a few sound effects, the boss AI+music, a 'you win' screen, and a few minor bugs to finish up. About 20 screens have been designed, so level design is the next point of interest.
The main character's movement is mostly based upon Mario, or upon this document, to be more accurate: http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/jda ... Nw==/?ref=
There are about a dozen enemy types, mostly variations on a simple theme, but several others as well. In addition there are lasers, conveyor belts, trampolines, and pools of toxic waste to contend with:
This picture does not do the graphics justice because right now the level design has been purely 'functional' and the black empty spaces will be filled in quite nicely with art.
Concept art:
"Due to system limitations" the final product will be somewhere between the first picture of the functional game and the concept art. There are a limited number of metatiles to work with, etc.
Finally, I've created a LevelEditor which allows you to create entire levels, and creates a ROM with that level. I hope to get a working (simplified) version of this out there with the final ROM so people can make their own levels with ease.
Download a demo here, for anybody who wants to check it out. All comments (including criticism) are welcome.
project_blue_nam.bmp [ 61.05 KiB | Viewed 16178 times ]
This is a collaborative effort between myself and Frankengraphics. We plan on submitting the first level (64 screens w/ boss battle) for the compo. At this point, the game engine is mostly finished - there are a few sound effects, the boss AI+music, a 'you win' screen, and a few minor bugs to finish up. About 20 screens have been designed, so level design is the next point of interest.
The main character's movement is mostly based upon Mario, or upon this document, to be more accurate: http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/jda ... Nw==/?ref=
There are about a dozen enemy types, mostly variations on a simple theme, but several others as well. In addition there are lasers, conveyor belts, trampolines, and pools of toxic waste to contend with:
This picture does not do the graphics justice because right now the level design has been purely 'functional' and the black empty spaces will be filled in quite nicely with art.
Concept art:
"Due to system limitations" the final product will be somewhere between the first picture of the functional game and the concept art. There are a limited number of metatiles to work with, etc.
Finally, I've created a LevelEditor which allows you to create entire levels, and creates a ROM with that level. I hope to get a working (simplified) version of this out there with the final ROM so people can make their own levels with ease.