calima wrote:
The red-yellow alternating blocks hurt my eyes. Maybe try less contrasting colors there?
Well originally, the checkerboard was yellow/brown, but when I added the background layer, it looked too washed-out, so I swapped the brown to red, for vibrancy. The problem is that the foreground/background platforms share a single palette.
na_th_an wrote:
Hey Alp, I'm glad you are entering the compo. Game looks amazing.
I'm really just showing what I have planned, and if it doesn't meet the deadline, I can always release this later, on it's own.
WheelInventor wrote:
Astonishing work! Well done, Alp!

I especially like how you turn the lake into a desert by a simple palette swap; very elegant. And the ice level looks fun. Does your level algorithm always include a water line?
The red-yellow alternating blocks hurt my eyes.
It may be less of a problem on ntsc/pal video, but in pixel perfect emulation, i agree on the checkerboard. Though, sonic the hedgehog does this with less contrast and those elements still don't appeal to me, so maybe it's more the pattern than the colours used for me.
Thanks! I was also considering a similar palette swap, for the cave background. Using the lake tiles for a top/bottom background layer, connected by stone columns, to give it even more depth.
...and yes, there will be slippery ice physics in this game!

Yeah, the water layer is constant, in the level decoding, but it can be swapped between the foreground/background layer (for castles), or disabled entirely, in the level's header byte. Water/Lava can't be manipulated in the middle of a level, simply because it would look strange.
The game engine supports 4 different background layers:
0: Global Background
1: Foreground, Back Layer
2: Foreground, Front Layer (Including blocks)
3: Foreground, Water/Lava (Optional)
The two ground layers are drawn separately from the blocks, but handled by the same drawing routine. They can be easily manipulated by a single control byte, allowing for a little more flexibility than the coin/powerup blocks, and breakable bricks, while keeping the data size small.
The checkerboard pattern for the first world's foreground layer, was intended to introduce familiarity, so players are eased into the game.
tokumaru wrote:
Game's looking great, Alp! Looking forward to playing it!
Awesome use of color! With a single palette you were able to draw light and dark versions of ground and grass chunks, and the final result still looks pretty colorful.
Thanks! The goal here, was to get a unique visual style, while using as few tiles as possible.
Including the 42-tile font, I'm not even halfway through the game's 4KB background tiles, yet!
Ideally, each world will have a different visual theme of some kind. (Grass, Ocean, Desert, Mountain, Snow, Forest, Sky, Hell) If there's enough tile space left when everything's done, I may consider adding a Super Mario World-like overworld, just to give this game a little more!
Speaking of Super Mario World... here's what world 6's "castle" stage is intended to look like!