I have a question regarding the APU's envelope module: http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/APU_Envelope
Specifically regarding the "start flag". What happens if the CPU writes to register #4 at the exact same time that the frame seqeuncer clocks the envelope module? Which condition (i.e. frame seq clock or CPU write) has higher priority? In other words, does the start flag get set (due to CPU write), or is the CPU write ignored (and thus the start flag is not set)?
Thanks all!
Specifically regarding the "start flag". What happens if the CPU writes to register #4 at the exact same time that the frame seqeuncer clocks the envelope module? Which condition (i.e. frame seq clock or CPU write) has higher priority? In other words, does the start flag get set (due to CPU write), or is the CPU write ignored (and thus the start flag is not set)?
Thanks all!