New NES palette

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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New NES palette
by on (#5687)
Here's a fairly new NES palette, thought I'd post it here so it can get in circulation. :)

by on (#5691)
Here's my rant about NES palettes, sorry to use your thread as a place to voice it:

The colors of pixels on a normal NTSC NES depend on their alignment with the PPU color clock and neighboring pixels, so palette will ever accurately match on-screen colors in all cases. Due to this a palette can be endlessly fine-tuned for some games, all the while becoming detunes for others.

On the other hand, a palette can match the RGB output Nintendo apparently used for many of the screenshots in Nintendo Power, and for the arcade system.

by on (#5908)
Looks good.

I read in your documentation that you have
tried to make it brighter but I still think it is too dark.

I personally thinks that FCEU and Nester have really
good palettes.

Keep up the good work.

by on (#5913)
What ever happened to the idea of putting contrast and brightness "knobs" on an emulator? Wouldn't that give you a nearly infinite way to customize the palette the way you wanted?

by on (#5914)
I have tried your palette on many more games now
and have discovered some things.

There must be something wrong with greenish colors
in your palette. They are often to brown and sometimes
to blue. I also suspect that this is also why I originally
thought that it was too dark.

I recommend you to check out the jungle in "Snake's revenge"
and Snake man's level in "Mega man 3".
The jungle is almost dark blue and Snake man's level is
just too brown. Maybe I'm colorblind but these games
don't look like they do on my NES.

However it is still a very good palette and if you can fix these
problems it would certainly be the palette I would use.

by on (#5915)
For my money, it doesn't get better than Fx3's palette (the one he got from Rockman Complete Works for PSX) -- it was in that Art of Rom Hacking doc back in the day. It's what I use for everything, and is absolutly GORGEOUS in every game I've tried.