> I'm guessing you're talking about number of CPU cycles that CHR A12 must be low before the counter is allowed to be clocked by a subsequent CHR A12 rising edge?
I believe so, yes. Been a few months, emulated a few more systems since then. Basically I am talking about this:
//this is a thread, tick() adds 12 cycles against a 21MHz clock
void MMC3::main() {
while(true) {
if(irq_delay) irq_delay--;
//called on CHR read and CHR writes
void MMC3::irq_test(unsigned addr) {
if(!(chr_abus & 0x1000) && (addr & 0x1000)) {
if(irq_delay == 0) {
if(irq_counter == 0) {
irq_counter = irq_latch;
} else if(--irq_counter == 0) {
if(irq_enable) irq_line = 1;
irq_delay = 6; //Ryphecha uses 5 here, which breaks SMB3 for me
chr_abus = addr;
> which is what Zepper is having issues with.
Sorry, I may have misunderstood. At this point I'm not having an issue, just noting an observation I had when dealing with this chip that I was hoping might be helpful.
> The CPU must receive the IRQ the exact moment (within logic delays) of the CHR A12 rising edge. This MUST be *mid-cycle* for the CPU (and probably PPU as well), not at the beginning or end of the CPU's current cycle.
Oh? I've been trying to get information on this for a while, it seems to be an undocumented area of the NES.
But it's something I needed in SNES emulation very early on: the idea I call bus hold delays. When you read, it puts the address on the bus and waits a set number of clocks. The other chip will see the read and put its data on the bus, at which point it has to be there a bit to stabilize. But the thing is, it's up to the other chip how quickly it will put the data there. The same thing goes for a write, you can put it there on the bus, but it's going to take you some time for the value to stabilize. So the other chip will wait a while there first.
The problem is, how in the world do you know exactly what values to use here? If we assume 12 cycles against the 21MHz clock, do we just wait 6 cycles before doing the read, and 12 cycles for the write? Even then, it likely varies on a per-chip basis, and possibly even on a per-register-per-chip basis.
Also, I'm not even sure I understand the concept of a mid-PPU-cycle. A cycle is usually a point between discrete operations, and in this case we're only doing a single CHR read between each cycle. So you can only really have the return value be at the start or end of the cycle. Having the MMC3 do something in the middle of a PPU read seems like nonsense.
In the middle of a CPU read, sure, that makes more sense because the CPU is doing lots of things in unison: polling IRQ flags, reading from the bus, performing asynchronous DMA (on some systems), etc.
Meh, anyway, we can start a new topic if you'd like to get in depth and feel it'd be off-topic to this discussion. Up to you. FWIW, I already have the means to simulate mid-cycle CPU actions, and I can discuss how I do that if you'd like.