ppu patent with figures

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ppu patent with figures
by on (#45993)
Firstly I don't know if it is illegal (if so then just discard this):

but someone has the http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4824106.html pdf or link to patent file nÂș 4824106 of ppu nes... ? (I mean with pics and everything..)

thanks in advance

by on (#45994)
I thought patents were supposed to be viewable to everyone, otherwise nobody would be able to know if they were infringing on them.

Anyway, the NES patents expired a while ago.

by on (#45999)
Here you go - http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sedwards/papers/ueda1989tv.pdf

They are free, btw.

by on (#46051)
thanks very much! :D