From wiki:
- If the CPU is suspend for 4 cycles, what happens with the PPU/APU? Does it render background pixels (color index at 3F00), or just "skip" 16 dots? Actually, my PPU render does 16 clocks (or dots) instead of just 3.
Any time the sample buffer is in an empty state and bytes remaining is not zero, the following occur:
* The sample buffer is filled with the next sample byte read from the current address, subject to whatever mapping hardware is present. The CPU is suspend for four clock cycles.
* The sample buffer is filled with the next sample byte read from the current address, subject to whatever mapping hardware is present. The CPU is suspend for four clock cycles.
- If the CPU is suspend for 4 cycles, what happens with the PPU/APU? Does it render background pixels (color index at 3F00), or just "skip" 16 dots? Actually, my PPU render does 16 clocks (or dots) instead of just 3.