Hi there
I have a MAYA DVD-402 DVD player with a so called "game function" which emulates the NES. However, the emulation sucks, the games run at 1/4 speed and the sound is terrible (i have to play it on mute).
It came with a mini VCD with around 300 games on it (around 100 if you discount doubles). I would like to play these games on my PC with the nestopia emulator however it will not recognise the roms. The roms have a .bin extension where normal roms are .nes. I have tried renaming them to .nes but still no luck.
I have been talking with the Digitalpress forum guys and one of them suggested I contact you guys to make heads or tails of these files. They are definitely nes games, but with a different file structure.
I would like to play them on PC since the DVD player stinks, if you guys are interested in the roms to look at I could send some to you through email. Some look like hacks, others originals.
If you would like to help, please respond and I will send you some of the roms.
I was always curious to see how the ROMs that these devices used were stored. I almost bought one just to see what the deal was, but then someone told me how bad the emulation was.
I don't know if all that's missing is a header... This player must have a way to identify some details about the game in order to run it correctly, which is exactly what a header does. Maybe these ROM have a different type of header?
But yeah, it will be hard to say anything for sure without looking at a ROM, preferably one af a well known game. What are the sizes of these ROMs? I mean, the size in bytes (not KB). This information may at least tell us if there's any kind of extra information or not.
majinbuu wrote:
Hi there
I have a MAYA DVD-402 DVD player with a so called "game function" which emulates the NES. However, the emulation sucks, the games run at 1/4 speed and the sound is terrible (i have to play it on mute).
It came with a mini VCD with around 300 games on it (around 100 if you discount doubles). I would like to play these games on my PC with the nestopia emulator however it will not recognise the roms. The roms have a .bin extension where normal roms are .nes. I have tried renaming them to .nes but still no luck.
I have been talking with the Digitalpress forum guys and one of them suggested I contact you guys to make heads or tails of these files. They are definitely nes games, but with a different file structure.
I would like to play them on PC since the DVD player stinks, if you guys are interested in the roms to look at I could send some to you through email. Some look like hacks, others originals.
If you would like to help, please respond and I will send you some of the roms.
I have inspected those awhile back. It's an emulator stub with the ROM attached to the end. Sometimes you can extract the ROM which is on the end, sometimes it's hacked a bit. After figuring out what most of the games were (mostly NROM stuff) I lost interest.
Can you post us a zip of the files or something? (lol, the Wii's interweb channel is so much easier to use now that there's USB keyboard support!
Can you please NOT post copyrighted NES ROM files to this board? I'd rather not see it shut down. I don't think the offer to e-mail them is good for this place either. If you'd like help decoding them, you could post a hex dump of the first 32 bytes or so. My guess is that the player has a hard-coded database of configuratin information for each one.
ok, no problem. Please close this thread if you need to. I don't want to cause any trouble.
Can you take an NROM-128 game, replace its PRG and CHR with those of
Tetramino, and see if it still runs?
heh, I don't know how to do those things, that's why I needed you guys help. Maybe if you had a look into a couple of the roms you may be able to figure it out.
However since that is frowned upon here, I'll just have to forget about it.
I'd say just open a copy of a usual .nes file in one hex editor, then open the rom in another editor, and look for where the content of one file appears in the other. Skip the first 16 bytes of the .nes file.
Which titles are they, so that I can give you hexadecimal strings to look for in the files?
slightly off topic but would you mind video capturing the gameplay and posting it on youtube.com or something? I like seeing various famiclones in action.
I already had discussed this thing a while ago, about my DVD player with a built-in NES emulator. Here, the games can be loaded from a single CD. It's exactly like the guy has described: low speed with frameskipping, sound sucks and so on... ^_^;;
yep, that's exactly how it is. I don't suppose you found a way around it? Or am I just stuck with a piece of junk.
In theory, it's possible to hack the DVD unit and dump this emulator... Since I have zero knowledgement of electronics, well... ^_^;;
You could open one of the .bin files in a hex editor of a well known game and post it OR upload a non-commercial NES game in the .bin format on the internet to trick the law, so that we can still see how those files looks. I guess if all games are NROM there is no reason to have a header (or even if there is only NROM, CNROM and UNROM or something) since the size alone can tell enough information to run the game.
well they all seem to be commercial releases, some perhaps hacked in one way or another. Some example file sizes are 96KB, 104KB and 184 KB. If you want the names of the ROM to go with the file sizes I guess I can fire up the POS DVD player and find out.
I have a FC(NES) DVD too, look this silt: http:\\hi.baidu.com\fcvcd
Bregalad wrote:
You could open one of the .bin files in a hex editor of a well known game and post it OR upload a non-commercial NES game in the .bin format on the internet to trick the law, so that we can still see how those files looks. I guess if all games are NROM there is no reason to have a header (or even if there is only NROM, CNROM and UNROM or something) since the size alone can tell enough information to run the game.
That still might get us in trouble. It's really not worth it.