I wanted something like this, Only one that is better than NSF2MIDI and without buying.
See what I mean here:
Can someone recode a better ''MIDI-Recorder'' on an FREE emulator?
I don't think any automated MIDI generator will sound good. It's really hard to have the program distinguish between volume changes and envlope patterns (like ADSR)... plus effects like rapid duty cycle changing never translate well to MIDI instruments. Not to mention custom waveforms via the DMC will be totally lost, and sound effects will never translate to anything remotely resembling the original. And I'm sure there are other issues too.
But I have to ask... why not just use NSFs? They sound the best and are smaller in size (you can get a whole soundtrack in a file that's as big as a single .mid song).
Chances are any MIDI you could ever want can be found on vgmusic.com, etc...
*Probably* because <sarcasm> NSF are illegal! </sarcarsm>.