Hi and hello again. Too much time without writing here.
Well the thing is i have been busy.
One thing i have done is study c++. So i'm writing my emu from scratch alll OOP based.
I have an awful problem:
Time ago when i developed in C i remember using nestest.nes for fixing my cpu emu problems.
The thing is that nestest is throwing me all "OK" and i have CPU errors (the reflect it in image produced).
I have changed intentinally come cpù opcodes to be wrong, but nestest keep throwing all "OK"
The question is: which is the minimum opcodes to be "right" so nestest really show me errors and correct output. I'm suer my PPU is fine.
It can't be that i comment out the line in ABSOLUTE, X and i don't add the X and keep thorwing me OK. I have made a lot of this tests.
Any idea?? I have blargg's debuger in C, should i write a debegguer, becouse i can't keep going!!
Well the thing is i have been busy.
One thing i have done is study c++. So i'm writing my emu from scratch alll OOP based.
I have an awful problem:
Time ago when i developed in C i remember using nestest.nes for fixing my cpu emu problems.
The thing is that nestest is throwing me all "OK" and i have CPU errors (the reflect it in image produced).
I have changed intentinally come cpù opcodes to be wrong, but nestest keep throwing all "OK"
The question is: which is the minimum opcodes to be "right" so nestest really show me errors and correct output. I'm suer my PPU is fine.
It can't be that i comment out the line in ABSOLUTE, X and i don't add the X and keep thorwing me OK. I have made a lot of this tests.
Any idea?? I have blargg's debuger in C, should i write a debegguer, becouse i can't keep going!!