Giant VR NES! :D

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Giant VR NES! :D
by on (#229697)
My business partner and I just got a Vive for a VR project we are starting soon. With the Global Game Jam comming up in a couple months, It occurred to me that he's almost definitely going to want to make a VR game and I definitely want to make another NES game.

So I had a silly idea... There is probably an NES emulator that could be embedded into a Unity3D/VR project without too much trouble, and a VR game partly written on the NES would be an amusing idea. After some searching around, the only project I could find was the guy that made the (closed source) 3D NES emulator. Neat, but not helpful in this case.

So has anybody here had any luck embedding an open source C# emulator in Unity?
Re: C# NES Emulator to embed in Unity/VR.
by on (#230011)
I made some progress on this last night. I back ported this to C# 4 that Unity uses:


It's not the fastest (so it works well in Unity, lol). I might have to spend some time optimizing it. The beta version of Unity finally supports modern C#, so I might be able to put some of the inlining attributes back in at least.
Re: C# NES Emulator to embed in Unity/VR.
by on (#230067)
With a little prodding this runs quite smoothly. I threw in some analitical anti-aliasing so it looks nice and crisp when upscaling. :D

Re: Giant VR NES! :D
by on (#231162)
I made some progress with this today. I now have NES games running on a 10 meter virtual screen with a giant unwieldy controller. :D It's a lot more fun than it should be. Bwahaha!

Re: Giant VR NES! :D
by on (#231215)
That is VERY cool man!!!