ines trainer

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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ines trainer
by on (#15330)
what is the ines trainer used for? any games that have it ? or could i skip it and be fine ?

Re: ines trainer
by on (#15335)
mattmatteh wrote:
or could i skip it and be fine ?


AFAIK, only bogus FFE ROMs use it (I wouldn't even recommend supporting those mappers anyway, as the better dumps use a non-FFE mapper), along with maybe a handful of poor ROM hacks where the hacker was too lazy to free up space the right way.

I skip over the iNES trainer in my emu and have run into zero problems as a result.

by on (#15354)
The infamous "Swim Cheat" version of Super Mario Bros 1 has a trainer. You press Select, and it lets you swim in any level. Way back in the day, it was named the SMB1 rom "with title screen", since the other SMB1 dump was missing the title screen. The SMB1 with trainer was the only version that worked with Mario Improvement, a SMB1 level editor for DOS.

There was also a mapper-15 hacked version of Dragonball with a trainer, for which a translation patch was made. Only the mapper-hacked version got translated, not the original GNROM version.

Those are the only games I've ever seen that have trainers on them. I can't think of any others, although I once ported the swim cheat hack to VS SMB1. (I never released it.)