no$nes - NES emulator/debugger update

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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no$nes - NES emulator/debugger update
by on (#227966)
I've updated no$nes - - the update constains some small bugfixes, and some improvements to the overall no$xxx user interface (help engine working on newer windows versions and correct tab controls for asian users).

Alongsides I've also updated Magic Floor and released Starfight for NES. Both are mapper 218 single-chip games. More on that in this post: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9342&p=227967#p227967

23 Oct 2018 - no$nes v1.2
- web: created no$project patreon page,
- mapper 218: updated magic floor (ntsc fix, bigger boulder, smaller floors)
- mapper 218: ported herve couppe's starfight to nes
- apu: mutes all sound channels on apu reset
- a22i: refuses bytes >FFh (eg. important range check for 'mov [nn+x],y')
- xed editor: fixed scrolling upon backspace in first some lines (thanks yuki)
- apu: fixed PAL sound frequencies (nes_sound_factor) (thanks Dwedit)
- debug: vram viewer fixed missing invalidate's on each 2nd obj in oam-screen
- gui: changed icon (higher contrast, inverse/white plug, 12/16/32/48-pix sizes)
- fixed intcount on F2/F4 breaks (showing correct scanline in debug status bar)
- emu/help: added mapper 28 emu/specs (action 53 homebrew X-in-1 multicart's)
- emu/help: added some MMC5 details (irq,chr_bank_msbs + info on sound/multiply)
- help: added note on Orb-3D glasses (pulfrich effect with dark/clear glasses)
- added aspect ratio option (square pixels, or real PAL/NTSC ratios)
- gui: setup uses asia-compatible TabControl instead of unreliable PropertySheet
- gui: created own help engine (instead of microcrap's suicidal windows .hlp)
- added donate button in help dropdown, added uforce in controller summary