With the $5113 address of mmc5, you are able to swap out $6000-$7FFF with 8 individual pages of 2000 bytes each, giving the user 64kb of wram.
I wrote a small test rom with a limited gui, where you can view the entire net's cpu ram, and make changes to any address.
I've also made it where you can change the current page number in $5113, to view it's contents within the $6000-$7FFF section.
With the emulator running, all 8 pages are available. Performing either a reset, or power off/on, all 8 pages are available. When closing out the emulator completely, it only creates a 32kb file, thus, when running the emulator again, it will only have the first 4 pages of wram saved.
I toyed around with the ines header, to try to make it display the wram as 64kb. I was able to make the information window of fceux display the battery wram, as 65####(sorry I don't remember the exact number) and once I performed my tests, it still outputs 32kb.
This also happens with the other 2 major nes emulators, Nestopia & Nintendulator.
I will have a link here, directing those to my test rom. The ines header I believe is incorrect with its wram, but as I stated I adjusted it and still got 32kb.
Thank you to any that can help out!
I wrote a small test rom with a limited gui, where you can view the entire net's cpu ram, and make changes to any address.
I've also made it where you can change the current page number in $5113, to view it's contents within the $6000-$7FFF section.
With the emulator running, all 8 pages are available. Performing either a reset, or power off/on, all 8 pages are available. When closing out the emulator completely, it only creates a 32kb file, thus, when running the emulator again, it will only have the first 4 pages of wram saved.
I toyed around with the ines header, to try to make it display the wram as 64kb. I was able to make the information window of fceux display the battery wram, as 65####(sorry I don't remember the exact number) and once I performed my tests, it still outputs 32kb.
This also happens with the other 2 major nes emulators, Nestopia & Nintendulator.
I will have a link here, directing those to my test rom. The ines header I believe is incorrect with its wram, but as I stated I adjusted it and still got 32kb.
Thank you to any that can help out!