GoodNES3.23b includes a few Dendy ROMs that required the Subor keyboard and mouse such as SuborWin 2000.7z; however, I noticed that for most emulators, the emulated subor mouse fails for these newer ROMs. Is there any information on subor mice variations?
The only reference I could find for the Subor Mouse was the one by Nocash: ... llandmouseWhen I was working on FCEUX's implementation of it, the only ROM I had to test with was Educational Computer 2000, and I found that only the "single byte" protocol worked with it. Trying "Subor 2000" now, it doesn't seem to work for that, though.
Were there multiple mutually incompatible revisions of the Subor Mouse, perhaps? (Maybe the "triple byte" protocol would work with Subor 2000?)
Here's another one to try: Jing Dian Shu Biao You Xi.7z
Here's another one: Computer for Education.7z
The mouse cursor moves vertically in FCEUX, but it doesn't respond to horizontal movements or the mouse buttons.
I don't have any insight into this other than what I said earlier; FCEUX's implementation worked with "Educational Computer 2000", and uses the 1-byte protocol described in Nocash's document.
I didn't change the protocol that was used previously in FCEUX, I just reorganized the code when I was working on some mouse stuff. I did experiment with a 3-byte protocol version briefly, but it didn't seem to work with that particular ROM, so I gave up on it.
So... all I could recommend is trying the 3-byte protocol with these other ROMs. If that doesn't work, then I have no idea. If it does work, please report back so we can update our base of knowledge.
Bei Tongfang Win 98.7z is another one failing proper Subor mouse support and it looks particularly interesting because it ostensibly supports a Windows 98 version of Internet Explorer.