[SOLVED] Emulating Mapper 225 (64-in-1 rom) question.

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[SOLVED] Emulating Mapper 225 (64-in-1 rom) question.
by on (#175077)
Hi guys,

I've almost completed this mapper and I'm testing it with the "64-in-1" ROM, but I've run into some strange problem:

Every game in the list works except for B-Wings. This game alone is mapper 185, which I currently support right now and I've got it running just fine.

When running B-Wings from the 64 in 1 cart menu, I just get a blue screen (as if the copy protection mechanism wasn't emulated correctly, and the game was locked). As far as I know, the games on this multi cart are hacked to be NROM / CNROM compatible, so nothing special seems to be necessary to emulate it correctly.

Could it be something I'm missing?

Thanks again for your help in advance.
Re: Emulating Mapper 225 (64-in-1 rom) question.
by on (#175458)
Hey guys,

Nevermind. We found out we were handling writes to PPU $0000-$1FFF region in a wrong way. Writes were not inhibited when not CHR RAM (CHR ROM was being corrupted and strange things were happening), and it turns out that B-Wings makes some writes to that region.

Added that check to our PPU CHR write handler and everything is working just fine.

Re: [SOLVED] Emulating Mapper 225 (64-in-1 rom) question.
by on (#175555)
Cowboy kid and Fantasy Zone 2 also have this problem.

Plus, try Ms. Pac Man - it writes to $8000-$FFFF when it shouldn't! :roll:
Re: [SOLVED] Emulating Mapper 225 (64-in-1 rom) question.
by on (#175594)
I tried them a little and they looked OK! Thanks Zepper!