Invisible platforms in super mario

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152161)
Graphically the game looks right, but I have some invisible platform and some hole in walls here and there (example: I'm not sure what part of my emu is wrong on this. Could this be a cpu bug?
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152224)
yanos wrote:
Could this be a cpu bug?

Does your emulator pass all the CPU test roms?
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152229)
Yep. except some timing issue that I'm currently trying to fix.
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152248)
Hmm... perhaps PPU mirroring is incorrect?
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152262)
I doubt it since if that's the case, EVERYTHING would be wrong. But it's only every so often here and there. It's quite puzzling :(
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152270)
yanos wrote:
I doubt it since if that's the case, EVERYTHING would be wrong. But it's only every so often here and there. It's quite puzzling

It looks like the status bar at the top is cutoff. Does the status bar look correct normally except when this happens?
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152277)
Double check the RAM implementation, that everything is mirrored correctly, and that addresses are correct.
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152281)
I'm unsure about the "platform", but there's something wrong with your sprite 0 hit detection code.
Re: Invisible platforms in super mario
by on (#152315)
Yeah, my sprite 0 hit detection is not is bogus, it's just not the priority right now. I'll check my ram implementation and mirroring code in the PPU.