Nestopia problems

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Nestopia problems
by on (#141700)
Anyone who can help,

So i use nestopia, and a few days ago i noticed when i was playing adventure island 2 my jump was warped, in meaning i couldnt get a full jump. I ckecked it out on other games like super mario bros and little mario couldnt even hit a mystery box. I concluded that it was some thing with nestopia. So i wiped it off my computer (windows 7) and re-installed it, after i did that i tried to open up an .nes file and the normal happened, it asked me what i wanted to open this file with so i selected browse and then selected nestopia. For some reason my computer wont let me open .nes files in nestopia, but i can open just nestopia.

Can someone help please, i miss all my games :(
