VRAM Area $0000-$1fff is where you'd find the pattern tables, which contain graphical information about tiles referenced by the nametables, i.e. the stuff that actually gets drawn to the screen.
VRAM Area $2000-$3000 is where you will find the nametables. Note that there are actually only two physical tables, whereas the others are just mirrors.
VRAM Area $3f00-$3f20 is where the palette data can be found.
| Address | Size | Flags | Description |
| $0000 | $1000 | C | Pattern Table #0 |
| $1000 | $1000 | C | Pattern Table #1 |
| $2000 | $3C0 | | Name Table #0 |
| $23C0 | $40 | N | Attribute Table #0 |
| $2400 | $3C0 | N | Name Table #1 |
| $27C0 | $40 | N | Attribute Table #1 |
| $2800 | $3C0 | N | Name Table #2 |
| $2BC0 | $40 | N | Attribute Table #2 |
| $2C00 | $3C0 | N | Name Table #3 |
| $2FC0 | $40 | N | Attribute Table #3 |
| $3000 | $F00 | R | |
| $3F00 | $10 | | Image Palette #1 |
| $3F10 | $10 | | Sprite Palette #1 |
| $3F20 | $E0 | P | |
| $4000 | $C000 | F | |
C = Possibly CHR-ROM
N = Mirrored (see Subsection G)
P = Mirrored (see Subsection H)
R = Mirror of $2000-2EFF (VRAM)
F = Mirror of $0000-3FFF (VRAM)
(Note: Extracted directly from NESTech.)
How do you access all these VRAM areas? Well, first you set $2006 to the VRAM address you want to write to (i.e. $2000 if you wanna start writing data to the first nametable), then you write the data to $2007.
One thing that may be confusing you is that VRAM is not part of the main memory area. Here is a map of the main memory:
| Address | Size | Flags | Description |
| $0000 | $800 | | RAM |
| $0800 | $800 | M | RAM |
| $1000 | $800 | M | RAM |
| $1800 | $800 | M | RAM |
| $2000 | 8 | | Registers |
| $2008 | $1FF8 | R | Registers |
| $4000 | $20 | | Registers |
| $4020 | $1FDF | | Expansion ROM |
| $6000 | $2000 | | SRAM |
| $8000 | $4000 | | PRG-ROM |
| $C000 | $4000 | | PRG-ROM |
I think NESTech covers this process pretty well, but I doubt you still have not read it. Let me know if you have more questions (you probably will).