A couple of months ago I tried implementing MMC1 and I got suck on it for a while, got demotivated, and had a break from the NES. Now I'm trying to get things rolling again and I thought I'd ask about it here.
My MMC1 mapper messes up pretty much every game. My other mappers (0, 2, 3, 7) work perfectly fine as far as I know, so I doubt it's a PPU issue. Most of the games have graphics issues, some games crash due to wrong register reads/writes. I checked the CHR switching a thousand times and compared it to other emulators' MMC1, but it always checks out so I have no clue why this happens. Here are some screenshots:

(Crashes on startup due to a read from "register 6" which doesn't exist apparently)
Addams Family

(Scrambled graphics)
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

(Scrambled graphics)
Dungeon Magic

(Start screen is fine then flickering scrambled graphics)
Mega Man II

(Actually starts fine but then graphics get scrambled)
Some of these games have a fine start screen, others don't. All of them mess up beyond that.
If you want to see more games, please ask. If you want to see the MMC1 source, that's fine too.
My MMC1 mapper messes up pretty much every game. My other mappers (0, 2, 3, 7) work perfectly fine as far as I know, so I doubt it's a PPU issue. Most of the games have graphics issues, some games crash due to wrong register reads/writes. I checked the CHR switching a thousand times and compared it to other emulators' MMC1, but it always checks out so I have no clue why this happens. Here are some screenshots:

(Crashes on startup due to a read from "register 6" which doesn't exist apparently)
Addams Family

(Scrambled graphics)
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

(Scrambled graphics)
Dungeon Magic

(Start screen is fine then flickering scrambled graphics)
Mega Man II

(Actually starts fine but then graphics get scrambled)
Some of these games have a fine start screen, others don't. All of them mess up beyond that.
If you want to see more games, please ask. If you want to see the MMC1 source, that's fine too.