1. wiki http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/MMC3 said MMC3 PRG Banks layout as following:
(-1) : the last bank, in a proper MMC3, the 63rd
(-2) : the penultimate bank; properly the 62nd
How to understand 62nd or 63rd?
For example, SMB3 has 16 INES 16KB-PRG Banks, wiki said PRG ROM bank size: 8 KB, so 8KB-PRG Banks are 16x2 = 32 that far less than 63.
2. Many games write mapper requesting a out of bonds PRG num and/or CHR num.
For example, Babel No Tou (J) can occur this problem when launch it.Following is my emulator's stdout:
8KB PRG 请求12越界 一共4
请按任意键继续. . .
8KB PRG 请求13越界 一共4
请按任意键继续. . .
2KB CHR 请求29越界 一共16
请按任意键继续. . .
2KB CHR 请求28越界 一共16
请按任意键继续. . .
2KB CHR 请求28越界 一共16
Above translate to
8KB PRG request 12 total 4
Press any key to continue...
8KB PRG request 13 total 4
Press any key to continue...
2KB CHR request 29 total 16
Press any key to continue...
2KB CHR request 28 total 16
Press any key to continue...
2KB CHR request 28 total 16
Press any key to continue...
Of course, I press again, emulator will cause Windows dialog popup and terminal process.
(-1) : the last bank, in a proper MMC3, the 63rd
(-2) : the penultimate bank; properly the 62nd
How to understand 62nd or 63rd?
For example, SMB3 has 16 INES 16KB-PRG Banks, wiki said PRG ROM bank size: 8 KB, so 8KB-PRG Banks are 16x2 = 32 that far less than 63.
2. Many games write mapper requesting a out of bonds PRG num and/or CHR num.
For example, Babel No Tou (J) can occur this problem when launch it.Following is my emulator's stdout:
8KB PRG 请求12越界 一共4
请按任意键继续. . .
8KB PRG 请求13越界 一共4
请按任意键继续. . .
2KB CHR 请求29越界 一共16
请按任意键继续. . .
2KB CHR 请求28越界 一共16
请按任意键继续. . .
2KB CHR 请求28越界 一共16
Above translate to
8KB PRG request 12 total 4
Press any key to continue...
8KB PRG request 13 total 4
Press any key to continue...
2KB CHR request 29 total 16
Press any key to continue...
2KB CHR request 28 total 16
Press any key to continue...
2KB CHR request 28 total 16
Press any key to continue...
Of course, I press again, emulator will cause Windows dialog popup and terminal process.