MMC5 --> MMC7
Register Modification Outline
General: Upgrade EXRAM to 2kB, mapped to $5800-5FFF.
APU Registers: unchanged
$5105: %10 = NTC ($5800-5BFF); %11 = NTD ($5C00-5FFF)
(MMC5 used %11 to identify the single-tile floodfill screen.)
$5106: same (floodfill tile ID)
$5107: [DCBA ..PP]
DCBA = Override NT with Floodfill Tile (0 = off; 1 = on)
PP = Attribute bits (same as MMC5)
Other Registers: unchanged
I take it FPGA is still the most logical route towards achieving this vision?
Register Modification Outline
General: Upgrade EXRAM to 2kB, mapped to $5800-5FFF.
APU Registers: unchanged
$5105: %10 = NTC ($5800-5BFF); %11 = NTD ($5C00-5FFF)
(MMC5 used %11 to identify the single-tile floodfill screen.)
$5106: same (floodfill tile ID)
$5107: [DCBA ..PP]
DCBA = Override NT with Floodfill Tile (0 = off; 1 = on)
PP = Attribute bits (same as MMC5)
Other Registers: unchanged
I take it FPGA is still the most logical route towards achieving this vision?