Hi all, i am new on this forum
I am here because, i love programming on retro hardware like Gameboy, Atari, NES or SNES
I've made some little project on these hardwares.
For example :
https://github.com/MS-DOS1999/Uppertails2600 It's a little prototype Game for Atari2600
https://github.com/MS-DOS1999/PongNES Here, it's my pong version for the NES
https://github.com/MS-DOS1999/SNES-ROMTEST And in this repository I test some things on the SNES.
I really want to program a Game for the NES or SNES but i'm not really good in graphics, song or storyline.
So, if anyone wants a programmer for help, you can tell me ! I'll be very happy to join a project
Thanks !
I am here because, i love programming on retro hardware like Gameboy, Atari, NES or SNES
I've made some little project on these hardwares.
For example :
https://github.com/MS-DOS1999/Uppertails2600 It's a little prototype Game for Atari2600
https://github.com/MS-DOS1999/PongNES Here, it's my pong version for the NES
https://github.com/MS-DOS1999/SNES-ROMTEST And in this repository I test some things on the SNES.
I really want to program a Game for the NES or SNES but i'm not really good in graphics, song or storyline.
So, if anyone wants a programmer for help, you can tell me ! I'll be very happy to join a project
Thanks !