rainwarrior wrote:
256m once skeleton and yellow slime get together in that same groove at the top middle they seem extremely difficult to cross (need to wait a while until they overlap with good timing, but even then the yellow slime jumping makes that iffy.)
Actually, a better way to handle that section is to wait until the leech is in front of the ghoul, jump down into the pit and crouch... causing the leech to jump over you and out of the pit. (The main gameplay mechanic for the yellow leech is to crouch and cause it to jump places. Leading them into spikes and under stalactites helps boost score.
The reason we added its vertical jump capability in the latest build is to restrict the player from being able to jump over it, forcing the player to crouch was the original design intention, but it had been lost when we modified collision boxes, hence the vertical jump.)
rainwarrior wrote:
224m if you just wait all the skeletons will destroy themselves on the spiked floor, is this intentional? The level seems very plain once they're all gone.
Yeah, this is intentional, but I don't think we're communicating the intention to the player successfully....
Actually, enemies dying grants a notable score increase.
I had designed it hoping a player may lose a life or two trying to evade the ghouls until they realize they could wait and get a bonus score, like an award for the progress.
We have a concrete score cap based on:
- Amount of time remaining at the end of each stage (limited by fastest possible playthrough speed, although we haven't calculated that.)
- Amount of gold collected (not variable unless player can access bonus stages... which have a lot of gold in them.)
- Number of exits (higher if playing 2-player)
- Number of lives remaining at game over (again, possibly higher if playing 2-player)
- Amount of diamonds collected (maximum of 48)
- Number of enemies eliminated (since there is no combat in the game, this is limited to level design. There are x amount of potentially killable enemies due to falling objects or spikes in the game.
I was really hoping to make the game a strong contender for high score competitions, maybe on the AVS scoreboard, or old-school, send in screen captures (hence the little camera icon).
rainwarrior wrote:
[*]I notice you set the Y scroll (second $2005) to 255. I'm guessing you did this just because sprites are more convenient if you don't have to think about the Y+1? On NTSC TVs it shouldn't make a difference, but on systems where you can see the whole picture, there's one line of "garbage" at the top of the screen. (Not necessarily something that's worth changing, just wondering if that's the intent.)[/list]
That's on Łukasz's end. I was wondering why screenshots were a pixel vertically off grid, but never inquired about them. I would assume intentional.
EDIT: I tried to add this reply earlier by phone, but it didn't take:
rainwarrior wrote:
I gave the revised version another playthrough, this time getting every gem (though I didn't make it through in a single continue... not sure if that matters, the stats only seem to show when I die, not at the end of the demo).
Collecting 8 diamonds grants access to a Hidden Chamber (bonus stage). Diamonds are shown at the top of the screen during gameplay. Getting a Game Over does empty out your diamonds (and all other stats other than level progression).
The diamonds basically play the role of EXTEND balloons in Bubble Bobble. There are 6 bonus stages and 48 diamonds in the game, so in order to access each bonus stage, a perfect playthrough (not without deaths, just without continues) would be necessary.
In the demo, there is only one bonus stage and 12 diamonds (one per stage, which is a constant throughout the game. Each stage has one hidden switch and one diamond.) Only finding 8 is necessary to access the stage. Considering x amount of gold collected grants an extra life, the bonus stage almost always guarantees 1-2 extra lives.