
This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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by on (#193994)
Hi everyone, this is my little Zelda 1 like shooter project.

Most of game engine almost done (sprite engine, collisions, animations, sprite flicker, etc).
Now just need to find time and finish it all to make real game.

Need to be done:
Tank AI
Enemy Spawn
Room lasers
Scroll to another room
End of demo
Intro cutscene
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#193996)
It's a nice start. Best of luck to you as you continue!
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194000)
Looks gorgeous. Love the palette and shadows cast from the walls.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194004)
I thought Rare already made that game, only for LJN to spray its Rainbow of Shit.

Or is this an Action 52 vs. 53 deal?
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194015)
(tepples, that's not really helpful :P)

This looks very nice.

Might want to have the player character be a different palette than the enemies, though; I had a little trouble figuring out which he was at first.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194033)
Thanks for comments.

Yes, maybe some palettes will be changed, but not now, first need to code more important things and after it fine tune little details.

And no, haha, it isn't related to LJN game by any means.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194044)
I love games like this, suprisingly few well done games of its type on the NES as it is, so it's a great opportunity to seize. Definitely digging the graphical style!

You might want to check the collision detection with the background though :) It's very easy to walk through the walls just by running against it and tapping the direction into the wall.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194068)
Sumez, you are right, a bug!
Thanks, but I know the problem, and I thought I fixed it.

You can go through wall only if some walking things left.
Can you walk through wall if only 2 tanks on the screen?
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194083)
Sumez wrote:
I love games like this, suprisingly few well done games of its type on the NES as it is, so it's a great opportunity to seize. Definitely digging the graphical style!

You might want to check the collision detection with the background though :) It's very easy to walk through the walls just by running against it and tapping the direction into the wall.

Fixed it.
Thanks again for the report, very stupid mistake, forgot to update direction variable, when you press it for the first time. So it was enemy value in it and collisions worked wrong.

Try to walk into wall again, I think not gonna be any problems now.


Now gonna work on Tank behaviour (will be something similar to the game - Battle City) and bullets.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194303)
Finally done some shooting action.
It looks more like a real game now. Nice.

Now need to write tank enemy AI.
And most complex things will be done I think.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194637)
Second enemy ready for duty. Implemented his behaviour and enemy bullets.
Enemy Tank moves a bit like octorok in Zelda 1, lol.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194724)
This keeps looking more and more promising. Please keep up the good work.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#194808)
Added new sprites and enemy types.
Palettes not final and just for test.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#195092)

Done same enemy spawn system. Working nice.
Phew, but still a lot of work to do.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#195174)
I'm loving the art direction of this project. Really cool.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#195190)
That just seems great!
I'm really excited about what this is becoming!
Just for curiosity, is the name inspired by that really big star from the Orion's constellation?
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#195484)
Yes, i'm working with really good artist.

Orion's constellation? Lol, i do not know, not my name idea.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#195653)
Finally made status bar and game pickups, health, weapon power up and coins included.
Looks like a real game now.
Next up - room scrolls.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#196935)
Yes, finally done room load and scroll in every direction.
It was a bit tricky to do on the current NES mapper (MMC1), but i done it.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#198653)
Complete done door system, with keys and everything.
Rooms also remember, which doors to open, which powerups to spawn and etc.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#198976)
Nice to see some solid progress here. I wish I were as persistent.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#199069)
Sumez wrote:
Nice to see some solid progress here. I wish I were as persistent.

Thank you.
Yes, can be hard to work on such projects. But my secret - need to work everyday on it, even if very little time.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#199474)
Not much to show, mostly code changes.
But added more rooms. Looks more and more like a real game.
Re: betelgeuse
by on (#200069)
Looks so great.
Reminds me Smash TV for the same NES.

Anyway, keep it up ! ;)