- Definitive highlights of the homebrew games available to collect (In the same format as the Complete NES with box art, screenshot, summary etc)
- Quick listing of everything else available to play. (think ROMs and smaller game releases that haven't been made available to all gamers)
- Section for limited edition releases, showing the creativity in some of these projects as this is a unique aspect to NES homebrews
- Finally, an "on the horizon" section with highlights of upcoming games per developer (think Nintendo Power PAK Watch, with 1-2 pages per developer with quick previews with screenshots if available)
As I'm pretty sure GoodNES doesn't, nor does Bootgod's nescartdb…but I don't know if NstDatabase.xml has any (no useful title/date fields, and checking available ROM checksums would not reveal policy, only singleton presence/absence)…
Are there any efforts to have a database of titles/headers(mappers)/checksums for homebrew releases, or anything of the sort?