> Nice start. I just played it on real hardware and it works fine.
Thanks! I wish I could run it on a real nes too, programmable cartridges are too expensive. I am planning to buy when I finish it more.
> Is the terrain randomly generated?
yes it is.
> It's great that you can shoot in 8 directions, and really cool that you can destroy terrain. It took me a while to figure out how to do it. I think it takes too many shots.
Yeah, I planned terrain destruction for last result actually. If it somehow generates and impassable terrain, so players can continue to play
Such case shouldn't be possible though (I hope)
> I died, (it's good that I was able to die) and no respawn, or game over screen, or reset.
> Just realized, you do have more than one life, and a life bar. The life bar is too low. It's very hard to see, and when you respawn, it's instant, so the player doesn't even know they died.
Yeah, that feature is still missing. I am planning to add it when my screen generating tool is a bit better.
> Sometimes the scrolling seems a little jittery. I'm not entirely sure why. It might be lag frames. Is all of the game logic in NMI by chance?
Yeah, it gets laggy when there are too many enemies and bullets. probably it gets even laggier when it tries to update terrain. I am using Shiru's neslib and probably my code is very bad.
I don't understand what you mean by "all of the game logic in NMI by chance". It is a while(1) loop that runs in main.
> No idea to improve it on gameplay or code? There are a lot of ways you could go with it, but it's pretty cool that you started out with a little game. You could build this into a sweet top-down shooter with some crafting.
I just can't think anything more to add. I am planning different enemies and guns. But even with those it will boil down to game throwing enemies at you constantly. I probably should add some boss fights probably. And different levels. Then it would be a complete game I hope.