Can the Tamagotchi ROM be ported to the NES?
Sure, why not?
Well, there's the whole user-interface conversion challenge.
I'm curious which Tamagotchi you're talking about. Because the Tamagotchi keychains have even fewer buttons, which would make the user interface easier to navigate. And if you just mean stuff like, "The user interface isn't actually bitmap graphics", well yeah, but certain things being different on different platforms comes up all the time in ports and it's just dealt with. In this case, just make graphics for it.
zeroone wrote:
Well, there's the whole user-interface conversion challenge.
Dealing with that kind of problem is exactly what "porting" is, though.
I think it's obvious at face value that you could port it. Maybe you want to know something more specific?
And the lack of a real-time clock to determine how much time to simulate while the NES is powered off.
There was a Tamagotchi on Game Boy that had no real time clock.
But that's also something that could be built into a mapper if it felt super necessary for this port.
Little Computer People just had you enter the date and time when you started up the program.