hey iv looked around but cant seem to find a list of finished homebrew which is free to download and play. i was able to find alterego and the flappy bird port. i'm sure theres more, isnt there?
as a bonus maybe a list of finished homebrew which requires a purchase?
There's an incomplete list here:
Super Bat Puncher demo is my favourite homebrew NES thing yet made.
some homebrew games are licensed under terms that let you make and sell copies of them.
See also
NES on PDRoms.
thank you guys for your help !
Instead of posting again I was curious if there are any projects that have finished with physical carts for purchase?
A lot of homebrew developers who sell cartridges ban downloading because it would compete with cart sales. Did you want a list of games that are both sold on cart and free to download, or did you want a list of homebrew games that are exclusively on cart?
I just want homebrew that I can purchase on a cart. So I can add a few to my physical collection.
Just found retro zone is this the only place ? The battle kid games look good.