I've got Orteil's OK to make a port of
this browser game my next project after my compo entry.

Cursors animated by rewriting 4 tiles of CHR RAM. Click the CPS to buy things that will click the cookie for you.

"Payoff time" is one of the few places I'll have to actually use floating point division, where the rest of the game can get away with addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Flashing icons in the corner alert the player to interesting things on another screen. Click the cookie count to return to the Big Cookie screen and find a golden cookie waiting.
I figured that someone would express disbelief about the proportional font even before I started a
thread on the Cookie Clicker board about the port:
diamond655 wrote:
You are gonna have to really tone down the graphics on the cookie, words, etc. until they look 8-bit!
diamond655 wrote:
This seems amazing, if you tone down the graphics. Remember, NES games are low quality mostly!
On the other hand, someone else recognized the plausibility:
Cookiewoodstock wrote:
I also really enjoy the details in this image. Sprites of the NES can only have 3 colors, something shown here. They are also all made of 8x8 tiles, and you can fit all of these with no issues in that.
Really impressive graphics with a nice finish, it actually looks like SNES graphics
!So that's your game with a "currency" that goes to septillions?

It puzzled me as I couldn't imagine why one would have to go to such astronomical quantities in a game, but
for the Cookie Clicker game... it makes perfect sense.
Nice graphics. Variable-width font is always nice.
Looks good! It's funny when people think they know more about NES limiations than you do...
It bothers me when people say you need to artificially crappify the graphics because "nes games are supposed to look crappy". :\
This has a wonderful visual presentation, so good work on that.

Damn you, tepples! I had never heard of this game before, and now here I am, making 41.000 cookies per second... Does it ever end?
tokumaru wrote:
Does it ever end?
Oh dear. "Yes", in the sense that eventually there's nothing new to discover. Otherwise ... not really.
I got sucked in several months ago, and after playing for about ... 5 hours? got to a point where there was a long lull between different ... uh, chapters? ... of the game, and got bored then. I assume Orteil's rebalanced it since then.
Anyway, your mockups look fantastic, tepples!
I didn't know about this either. Very pointless but somehow I still haven't closed it.
I dunno, I got bored with the occult grandma nonsense. Honestly, I'd like a system where you have a map, and you have to strategically place your factories and other things in your "world" in order to maximize your cookies. As it stands right now, it's just a game about waiting, with very little else to think about, and although it's addictive to want to make your numbers bigger, it's really boring.
The pointlessness is part of its appeal, though. Making gameplay more interesting a fine line to tread with this game.
Oh, I suppose that's why I didn't get the point.

I've been playing for 3 hours on that game now instead of programming this csv website parsing+generating tool.
Ruined my night full of programming stuff needing done. 11/10. I'm at over 1.2 Million cookies per second.

Sometime in September, while I was first working on my compo entry, I thought "Whatever happened to
Cow Clicker"? Several minutes later I discovered Cookie Clicker and I was clicking cookies and reading
the wiki and figuring out what the heck the Grandmapocalypse was supposed to be. At the time, it was just red cookies instead of golden cookies; now it's also cookie-multiplying leeches.
Drag: If waiting in order to be able to build something is boring, then SimCity is likewise boring because you have to wait for tax time.
3gengames: The same thing happened to me while making my own compo entry. Perhaps I'm just sharing the misery.
Great graphics and really nice font!
Didn't know about this game until now. 16.353.993.196 CpS at the moment. Thanks a lot! X_X
Man, I wish I knew how to program NES games, then I could make a port based on... that one game where one of the characters is some goat lady called Toriel. Graphics seem simple enough to work on an NES.
Regardless, good luck with the project. And speaking of "dumbing down graphics to look like an NES", it still baffles me that there are people out there who think NES sprites could show four colors PLUS transparency. Some even say the NES is only capable of showing 16 colors on screen, though given how often colors have to be shared to avoid glaring attribute conflicts, it might be sorta right.
I've made a
project page with my to do list.
OneCrudeDude wrote:
it still baffles me that there are people out there who think NES sprites could show four colors PLUS transparency. Some even say the NES is only capable of showing 16 colors on screen
NES graphical limitations are pretty complex, I wouldn't expect people with no understanding of computer architecture to get them. What most people know about graphics is what Photoshop has taught them.
Contrary to popular belief, the NES is capable of showing 56 simultaneous colors on screen, but only on thursdays. Attributes are also half off every day, up until 4 PM. Act now and get an extra bit per pixel free of charge, just pay shipping and handling.
The visuals are sweet! I downloaded ROM image from your website...you can't get past title screen, can you?
I wouldn't expect people with no understanding of computer architecture to get them.
90% of artists I tried to work with on NES art was not patient enough to limit graphics and just demanded me to make it work.
The graphics are astounding, much better than what I thought a port of Cookie Clicker would've looked like on the NES.
I'm just curious, what made you decide to port Cookie Clicker to the NES?
Denine wrote:
The visuals are sweet! I downloaded ROM image from your website...you can't get past title screen, can you?
Not yet. But once I put more checkmarks on the to do list, you will be able to. This weekend I went on vacation with my family and didn't have a lot of time to get stuff done. It's hard to concentrate on stepping through a floating-point subroutine when the driver is blaring music in my ears.
90% of artists I tried to work with on NES art was not patient enough to limit graphics and just demanded me to make it work.
You could try asking them for Game Boy art, which is 4 grays (background) or 3 grays (sprites). Then these grays will probably map well to NES.
Krill wrote:
I'm just curious, what made you decide to port Cookie Clicker to the NES?
A dare in #nesdev on EFnet.
90% of artists I tried to work with on NES art was not patient enough to limit graphics and just demanded me to make it work.
You could try asking them for Game Boy art, which is 4 grays (background) or 3 grays (sprites). Then these grays will probably map well to NES.
And you'll end up with pretty but mostly monochrome graphics. Good NES artists have to figure out how to connect areas with different attributes and how to make partial use of the individual palettes in different areas to make it less obvious that there are only 4 sets of colors making up the image.
@tokumaru: Or your game would look like Kirby's Adventure, a surprisingly monochromatic game that came out towards the end of the NES' life.
The irony is that there are artists out there who try to emulate NES graphics and have no problem, but to make the exact same graphics for the NES will twist their minds around like a pretzel. Of all faux-retro games, I think Retro City Rampage comes the closest to matching the NES' graphical abilities, aside from being an MMC5 with 4 way scrolling (they do not get along at all, or so I heard).
Updated today. There are no new visible features, but I've added source code, the Python version of the decimal floating point library, and a 6502 simulator written in Python that passes nestest that I wrote for automating
unit tests.
I remember you mentioning that you added mouse support for this game, in the form of the SNES mouse with an NES converter. I've been meaning to ask, isn't there a Chinese bootleg that not only resembles a computer, it also has a mouse? I think the NES version of Microsoft 98 or whatever is one of those mouse compatible NES programs. Any documentation exists for the Chinese NES mouses?
Yeah, nocash has some documentation for the
SUBOR mouse.
Last time I mentioned it, Tepples said he was (justifiably!) hesitant to add support for it without something to test on.
Yeah, send me a mouse of a different protocol and an adapter to plug it into the 7-pin ports on the front of my NES, and I'll add support to Thwaite and Cookie Clicker. But perhaps a better long-term solution as the supply of authentic Super NES Mouse controllers dwindles would be a microcontroller that acts as a PS/2 host and NES device, translating between PS/2 and Super NES mouse protocols.
What if someone gave you one of those Famiclones so that you could test it on? Assuming you can get a PowerPak or Everdrive to work on the thing.
Do Famiclone to NES converters exist?
PowerPak doesn't work on most clones. I'd have to buy an EverDrive.
UPDATE: Now clicking actually does something.
do you really want it to do something?)
Yes, we can click the cookie now

I really have high hopes for this game.
Actually...how do you intend to deal with game saving?
Will you use battery save or some password system?
The "differences" page of your cookie clicker page mentions ".sav" files, so I assume you'll be using battery save.
Password for a game like this would be long, I guess.
And you'll end up with pretty but mostly monochrome graphics.
And I did...once at least.