Hi, a little pixel art editor for your pleasure, nothing very complicated.
please tell me if it works on various emulator or powerpak or krizzz
i made it with Family Basic
button a : draw
button b : del
select : change color (3 color : 2 blue and 1 white)
start : clear screen
Source code (Family Basic V3) :
10 cls:locate 6,4
20 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254);
30 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254):locate 6,6:? "PIXELART EDITOR"
40 locate 6,8
50 ? chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255);"16x16";chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)
190 locate 9,15:? "PUSHSTART":locate 9,20:? chr$(180);" 2013 LB"
200 t=strig(0)
210 if t=1 then goto 300
250 goto 200
300 cls
330 x=0:y=0:c=253
400 t=stick(0):s=strig(0)
420 if t=1 and x<27 then x=x+1
430 if t=2 and x>0 then x=x-1
440 if t=4 and y<21 then y=y+1
450 if t=8 and y>0 then y=y-1
470 if s=2 and c<256 then c=c+1
480 if s=2 and c>255 then c=253
490 if s=8 then locate x,y:print chr$(c)
500 a$=scr$(x,y)
510 if s=4 then a$=chr$(32)
520 if s=1 then goto 300
600 locate x,y:print chr$(176):locate x,y:print a$
640 locate 1,22
650 ?"a:draw b:del sel:";chr$(c);" st:new"
800 goto 400
Select copy and paste (with F12 to Nestopia)
I hope my code help you to understand Family Basic.
Family Basic is the easy way to develop on Nintendo NES.
More about Family Basic at http://powerfamicom.tumblr.com/
please tell me if it works on various emulator or powerpak or krizzz
i made it with Family Basic
button a : draw
button b : del
select : change color (3 color : 2 blue and 1 white)
start : clear screen
Source code (Family Basic V3) :
10 cls:locate 6,4
20 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254);
30 ? chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254)+chr$(254):locate 6,6:? "PIXELART EDITOR"
40 locate 6,8
50 ? chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255);"16x16";chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)+chr$(255)
190 locate 9,15:? "PUSHSTART":locate 9,20:? chr$(180);" 2013 LB"
200 t=strig(0)
210 if t=1 then goto 300
250 goto 200
300 cls
330 x=0:y=0:c=253
400 t=stick(0):s=strig(0)
420 if t=1 and x<27 then x=x+1
430 if t=2 and x>0 then x=x-1
440 if t=4 and y<21 then y=y+1
450 if t=8 and y>0 then y=y-1
470 if s=2 and c<256 then c=c+1
480 if s=2 and c>255 then c=253
490 if s=8 then locate x,y:print chr$(c)
500 a$=scr$(x,y)
510 if s=4 then a$=chr$(32)
520 if s=1 then goto 300
600 locate x,y:print chr$(176):locate x,y:print a$
640 locate 1,22
650 ?"a:draw b:del sel:";chr$(c);" st:new"
800 goto 400
Select copy and paste (with F12 to Nestopia)
I hope my code help you to understand Family Basic.
Family Basic is the easy way to develop on Nintendo NES.
More about Family Basic at http://powerfamicom.tumblr.com/