New Game: Sir Ababol

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112508)

Just registered to make you all know about our new game. It's a side-scrolling platformer coded in C making use of the excelent NesLIB by Shiru and his set of tools.

Image Image

You can download the game and the sources from the game card in our web page. I hope you like it. There's a couple of reported visual glitches which may get corrected for an updated release anytime soon.

The goal is to get the 24 ababol flowers. You can get rid of baddies by stepping on them, and gain extra lives by consuming chicken legs. There's also keys to open locked gates.

URL: ... babol-nes/
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112509)
Nice job! I see the source code could help for anyone who's interested in programming C for NES. Thanks!
EDIT: Just noted that if an enemy passes under the character, it kills him instead of he when steps on it.
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112510)
First thing I noticed was the long lag after picking up an item while it erases it.
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112511)
Very nice game! My feedback will be somewhat limited, because I was only able to play the game on my phone so far, but here it goes:

Graphics are very nice, specially for the background. Sprites are a bit rough, but they work. Physics feels good, jumps are easy to control. Some gameplay elements are a bit counter-intuitive, like the shallow water that kills you or the passages that are much narrower than the sprites but they can still go through. The pause when you pick up items is a bit annoying, and got me killed a couple of times.

My overall impression is positive, and I'll surely play it again with sound and better controls.
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112512)
The game is fine, gets to be entertained using only enemies that do not even throw any projectile, making routes are limited to left / right and up / down, at least as far as I get is what I saw, on the other hand to start (using nestopia) is not possible directionally move your character, you have to jump or make a strange combination of keys for movement enable left / right, do not think it's intentional, I think it looks good and is confusing.

The mappings are great, some are mediocre graphics but for the type of game that is going well, the funds have parts that I liked more, like clouds at sunset.

The difficulty lies in the jumps, the character accelerates quickly and the jump is somewhat difficult to control because of the rapid acceleration you have, not saying it's bad, just describe the gameplay, so you have to be fast and accurate calculating the jump .

As a note, to reappear occasionally reaparezco in the path of an enemy, for me would be better to appear one or two tiles away from the route.

The music fits well, is a music sencillita with some effects that are not bad.

Traduction with google translator.


El juego esta muy bien, consigue ser entretenido usando solo enemigos que ni si quiera lanzan algun proyectil, se limitan a hacer rutas izquierda/derecha y arriba/abajo, por lo menos hasta donde pude llegar es lo que vi, por otra parte al empezar (usando nestopia) no es posible mover al personaje direccionalmente, hay que saltar o hacer una combinacion extraña de teclas para conseguir habilitar el movimiento izquierda/derecha, no creo que sea intencionado, creo que no queda bien y es confuso.

Los mapeados estan muy bien, algunos graficos son mediocres pero para el tipo de juego que es le van bien, los fondos tienen partes que me han gustado mas, como las nubes al atardecer.

La dificultad radica en los saltos, el personaje acelera pronto y en el salto es algo dificil de controlar debido a la rapida aceleracion que tiene, no digo que sea malo, solo describo la jugabilidad, asi que hay que ser rapido y preciso calculando al saltar.

Como nota, al reaparecer, en ocasiones, reaparezco en la ruta de un enemigo, para mi estaria mejor aparecer uno o dos tiles apartado de la ruta.

La musica encaja bien, es una musica sencillita con algunos efectos que no quedan nada mal.
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112526)
The graphics are sharp, the music is appropriate, the jumps are the entire point of the game so I think they're mostly allowed to be hard. With one exception: I keep on managing to collide with bats in a way that kills me, and I haven't yet figured out why.

One annoyance: You can fairly easily backtrack through the last 2/3 to 5/6 of the game, but there are two features in the first (above-ground) level that are difficult or (afaict) impossible to traverse backwards. In the order you encounter them:
t.png [ 4.54 KiB | Viewed 5076 times ]
You can't go down through the layers of grass, and jumping up the right side of the big rocky cross is very difficult. This would fine if the latter parts of the game were designed so that backtracking in general were impossible. As it is, it's the exception, and so I find it frustrating.

All-in-all a very pleasing experience.
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112539)
Thanks. All the issues will be taken in account for a revised version.

Cheers :)
Re: New Game: Sir Ababol
by on (#112540)
I noticed that the screenshot is letterboxed. That would appear to work well on a modern wide-screen TV in zoomed-in mode, with one small change: Would it be hard to add a mode that centers the screen (which would need a small amount of vertical scroll) and draws the status bar within the top and bottom rows of blocks?