tokumaru wrote:
I always wanted to make a point-and-click adventure for the NES... The only game of that kind I'm aware of is Manic Mansion, which can actually be seen as 2 games, considering how different the japanese version is, but in both games the graphics are very primitive, and I believe the NES can do better.
I was thinking about this the other day and there are actually quite a few adventure games on the NES, in the general style of look at/pick up/use item on item, etc.
There's Shadowgate, Deja Vu, and Uninvited, the MacVenture series originally written for Macs and ported to NES.
There's Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, which is similar to the MacVenture series in that it is first person and also not quite logical in its execution at times. I remember a lot of randomness, like you have to look under a specific table and find nothing there to spawn a guy at the other end of town you can talk to to proceed, things of that nature.
There's Maniac Mansion, which is probably the highest quality adventure game on the NES and the launch of the famous engine that gave us Monkey Island and others.
There's also King's Quest V, a port of the PC game by Roberta Williams. The KQ series is famous for being unforgiving, difficult and obtuse. It's another "walk around" game like Maniac Mansion. The graphics are really complicated and messy, in my opinion. They tried hard to port over the realistic graphics and didn't succeed very well.
Then there's
Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade by Codemasters. It's about a spacefaring boy who needs to prove he discovered the planet earth by returning there and getting photographic evidence. I played this on Genesis and enjoyed it a lot, but the NES version's music suffers. It's sort of a side scrolling adventure game, with all the item collecting and puzzles, mixed with platforming segments that have terrible physics. It's a neat game though, well worth looking at for adventure game inspiration.
Tombs & Treasure by Infocom is another neat adventure game with some RPG and light combat elements. It has a few different viewpoints including first person and top down (RPG style).
Lastly there's
Nightshade which is a really cool game marred by some goofy issues like awful combat. It's got a great art style and actually has a sense of humor, and all the classic adventure game elements are there, but it's tough. Still well worth checking out.
Most other adventurey games on the NES are more RPG than anything else, but the above games have a solid focus on point and click. Maniac Mansion, KQV, Princess Tomato and the MacVenture games are the most pure, but the rest are interesting to look at.