Graphics from behind the scenes of Inherent Smile

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Graphics from behind the scenes of Inherent Smile
by on (#233231)
I was browsing through my project folders and found some stuff i'd like to show and tell. We ran out of space (hard limit) and time, so not everything got into the game, or got a bit trimmed, got a bit obscured through gameplay, or weren't even finished on the drawing/animation stage. I thought it's a shame some of these things are sitting unseen in a folder, so here's some highlights:


A fuller article with more pictures is on the blog.
Re: Graphics from behind the scenes of Inherent Smile
by on (#233234)
Very nice stuff!

Was the minotaur intended to be used for a battle screen or cinematic? Was it done using OAM or drawing to a nametable in combination with changing scroll values mid-screen?

I wish the graphic style used while navigating the map matched the battle sequences. Is there any technincal reason why they differ?
Re: Graphics from behind the scenes of Inherent Smile
by on (#233238)

The minotaur would have been the final battle and is completely background based. I considered adding horns and maybe nose breath being on the sprite layer but ultimately it became a minitaur.. or minocalf.
It also had a move for stomping somewhere in my mess of a project folder, which i think i imagined would release loose rocks from the ceiling, quite like the creature in castlevania 3.

The platform (seen on the blog but not in the mockup) was to be fixed on the sprite layer. Using only dimly lit outlines it would be percieved as bigger than it actually is.

i believe calima had most or all of the 3d maze assets in place when i got contacted. As it turned out and with me being quite time optimistic, i barely had time to do the fight and title/ending assets, so i didn't bother thinking about the 3d maze visuals during the compo. I'm positive i could do something with it to unify the looks of it with the rest, but even so there weren't that many tiles to spare to decorate it with.
Re: Graphics from behind the scenes of Inherent Smile
by on (#233256)
These mockups?

Thanks for working with me on it. I think we managed well, given the constraints.

pwnskar wrote:
I wish the graphic style used while navigating the map matched the battle sequences. Is there any technincal reason why they differ?
The 3d view is very limited in what it can show. It's not like we can have Wolfenstein 3d on the NES ;) It took a lot of hard work to get it running that fast as is, any attempts at texturing the walls would drop the fps. Then there were the size restrictions of the compo, not many tiles free in that view either.

If you mean the grey bezel, that got criticism in the compo thread as well, haha. That could certainly have been prettier, within tile limits of course.