Thank you to all for great responses.
Banshaku wrote:
I can see it as ice to some degree but there is always way to improve it.
My partner also saw the frozen lake right away, but she is Canadian
Sumez wrote:
I think what makes it looks like water is the horizontal lines, and the single pixels look like foam rather than the shine you'd expect from "cartoon ice".
That's a good note, I will try to play around with this idea.
FrankenGraphics wrote:
Maybe you could go for a more wobbly mirror feel? This is hard with the master palette at hand, but probably doable.
*You could alternately/also differentiate it from open water by representing open water in the same screen and let the player know the differency through that. Maybe a wake in the ice (even if that'd have implications for the game rules).
**Maybe try to remove a few of the strokes and concentrate them somehow so they're look a little less busy/scattered.
Perhaps experiment with thickening line to a slightly dithered two pixels at the appriximate mid of a longer stroke somewhere. It's hard to tell if it will look right at a scope as wide as where a tree is as small as a block, but maybe worth a try.
Thank you for the ideas. Palette is the problem. I was reusing palette that was used on snow, to create more versatile but limiting environment than just the trees. If I need green-ish color, I will mess the snow (or not) or create just another palette for non important background tile.
But worse is, I forgot you can walk on ice (I am not Canadian) so that would be annoying to not let player walk on it, as player clearly can (it's a deep winter). I may shrink down the lake, and add something else instead.
dougeff wrote:
So, with that in mind I would use a light blue for all the ground, highlighted with white textures. Put snow on top of trees. Color the water a medium purple blue, edge it in white, and scatter some snow drifts as white lines crossing it.
I compositely forgot about Age of Seasons as the reference yesterday, will check after work. Appreciate it. Seems like I will have to go with diagonals, but I will try few more times.
dougeff wrote:
After 5 minutes of Photoshopping...
It looks nice, but it ran out of palette... I wasn't putting snow on trees, so save a color for the shade/highlight. Although I could dust on the end of tree branches a little.
P.S. On my screen snow has uncomfortable amount of purple tint. I'll experiment a little with that.