pubby wrote:
Shadow should get smaller the higher she goes.
Whatever looks best. Technically it could get bigger, or smaller, or stay same size - depending on the light source.
I guess bigger shadow wouldn't look so well, same size looks good, and, yes, maybe smaller size could look even better.
tepples wrote:
That's correct. A buffered move will execute without delay.
Okay, just wanted to be sure that you've kept it in mind.
tepples wrote:
Yet the ZX81 tileset works without need for attributes.
Yes, but that's using dithering instead of colors. The NES version does actually have some source code option for 24x24pix cells with dithering, too. The dither in NES version is rather imperfectly implemented though.
On the other hand, dither+palette might help to get better contrast on NES. Or, using different colors (like replacing four green-shades by black, dark-green, yellow-green, yellow) might also help on better contrast (on color TV at least).
Anyways, 32x32pix cells aren't so bad for NES. With smaller sizes you'd get even bigger floors with more moves (making the game more difficult to solve).
tepples wrote:
It's an animation cheat, I admit. Games are full of them. Look at how small the houses are in outdoor scenes in many RPGs.
No problem, I just meant that it might become a problem if the dimensions are totally wrong (and even then it might be fine if it doesn't look too obvious).