What I noticed from their art is that
1. They like to use outlines, especially on sprites, (excluding explosions and flashes and other things of that nature) and to a lesser extent on backgrounds and they also have it to where they like to where they have it to where the outline is in two colors: A dark, and a very dark, and the very dark is used in places where it is, of course, very dark. The outline surrounding the top of a car is lighter than the outline surrounding the bottom.
2. They usually like to use about 4-5 different shades of one color, and a very light or dark color from both (like near black or white) can be used in a gradient with more than one color. They like a lot of contrast, so this works out. A random little tidbit I feel like sharing is that almost every palette in R-Type 2 incorporates solid black, while in Gunforce 2, almost every palette incorporates solid white. I don't think they ever really had it to where they used both.
Yes, I know that it's sad that I know this.
darryl.revok wrote:
Is that Gunforce Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island? Best game name ever.
Gross, no. It's Gunforce 2, which is 1,000x better. That game is awful.
darryl.revok wrote:
Maybe in your engine you could animate the gun shaking by jostling the sprite instead of drawing new frames.
They'd never do that.
Anyway, the gun definitely won't be held perfectly straight, and the arms would need to be animated anyway. Just look at in Metal Slug when you fire the Heavy Machine Gun.
darryl.revok wrote:
Metal Slug too goofy?
I meant art wise. I do think it got pretty bad when they started adding aliens and mummies and zombies. (By the second game...) I think anyone who thinks Metal Slug 3 is better than Metal Slug 1 is high out of their minds.
darryl.revok wrote:
I'm thinking about what would give it that beefy feel in a game like IREM/Nazca, and personally, I think it needs a chain coming off if it's handheld, shell casings spewing out the bottom, it should spin, even after you stop firing, and nice sound effects of a high-pitched whirr and fast paced bullet hits. As the character walks the bullet chain could swing a little, and it would probably sway side to side a little while someone walked with it, slightly altering the perspective.
I thought about that all. You forgot that it would need to rev up though, which would give you time to run out of the way or kill the enemy who is holding it before they kill you. I think it would look slightly cooler if the bullets flew up a little and, I think I'd actually just animate the bullets versus having them be sprites, like the shots from the pistol in Metal Slug.
darryl.revok wrote:
Just curious, have you developed any games yet?
Definitely not. I'm still trying to get the overhead done on a game for the SNES, (and I'd be done with it if it weren't for vram...) forget about any kind of planning or artwork or even really thinking too much of how the game would run. All I know is that it's going to be a run and gun.
Pik wrote:
What you have now is a good start though. The colors are pretty nice.
Thank you.