Glad to see this font getting some love. Tepples' version looks pretty solid to me, save a few things. Thanks for those. (The difference between the semicolon and the comma were intended for aesthetics though)/
I'm sorry, but Freem's asterisk is pretty harsh. I'd suggest against it.
Anyway, I've taken a few of the additional characters from Tepple's version. I've also begun rearranging the additional characters into extended ASCII order. Now, the normal quotations are dumb quotes and smart quotes are in their appropriate place. I'll likely update this again.
Moreover, I aligned the characters within the center of the tiles. The whole point of making a 6-pixel high version of this font was to allow it to be used immediately above or below other graphic tiles without the graphics touching the letters (except for tails). By aligning the characters on the top row, it restricts their use immediately below other graphics.