In the dawn of NES emulation for PC, there were a lot of graphical... "hacking" (maybe that is still a thing?), where basically everyone changed the graphics in popular games to more or less obscene things. Ranging from pop cultural references - Alice Cooper (SMB1 Hack) to down right nasty things like - Super KKK Bros (SMB1 Hack) with swastikas and all - or 8 bit pixel nudity or toilet humor. I used to have tons of these pointless files on my old 166mhz computer.
Some hacks, however, contains some really nice artwork (imo) and sometimes edited game play but for some reason or another - the game doesn't work propertly in emulators any longer.
Here is an example I found
Taken from Luigi and the Christmas Quest (SMB1 Hack) by Darknight13.
Often the details on whom ever created these "hacks" are lost into cyberspace (yeah, ninetees) with a few exceptions - as in an edited title screen presenting an alias, such as AWSOMEDUDE1999 or something like that.
Now, I see two problems with this - leading to a final thought.
1. The copyright owner, if there is such a thing here, is not easily found due to the 10-15 years past. In other words, how to ask for permission to use this partly or as a whole for some project?
2. Since the game is (without some effort) unplayable, it seems like such a waste for that amount of work
Final thought/question: Given all conditions make it really hard to track down the creator(* may not apply to Luigi game above) and the leagllity on this kinds of things in general, wouldn't these graphics make for good place holder graphics - even onto homebrew release?
Some hacks, however, contains some really nice artwork (imo) and sometimes edited game play but for some reason or another - the game doesn't work propertly in emulators any longer.
Here is an example I found
Taken from Luigi and the Christmas Quest (SMB1 Hack) by Darknight13.
Often the details on whom ever created these "hacks" are lost into cyberspace (yeah, ninetees) with a few exceptions - as in an edited title screen presenting an alias, such as AWSOMEDUDE1999 or something like that.
Now, I see two problems with this - leading to a final thought.
1. The copyright owner, if there is such a thing here, is not easily found due to the 10-15 years past. In other words, how to ask for permission to use this partly or as a whole for some project?
2. Since the game is (without some effort) unplayable, it seems like such a waste for that amount of work
Final thought/question: Given all conditions make it really hard to track down the creator(* may not apply to Luigi game above) and the leagllity on this kinds of things in general, wouldn't these graphics make for good place holder graphics - even onto homebrew release?