These screens are from an unfinished Castlevania II romhack, with programming by optomon and art by Thaddeus from spectredev. I first learned about it from this thread: but the only details remaining there some vague praise, a few mockups and a broken youtube link. After a few days of ~internet sleuthing~ I learned about the hack, and found and contacted optomon, who emailed me these images. They are posted here with his permission. Thaddeus took down all his accounts and disappeared from the internet.
These images are inspirational for me. I love how silhouettes are used to suggest depth, how colors bring out details like the rust on the walkways in the clock tower, and the amount of detail packed into cleverly re-used tiles like in the machinery, arches, stonework and Victorian buildings. Hope you guys like it too.
These screens are from an unfinished Castlevania II romhack, with programming by optomon and art by Thaddeus from spectredev. I first learned about it from this thread: but the only details remaining there some vague praise, a few mockups and a broken youtube link. After a few days of ~internet sleuthing~ I learned about the hack, and found and contacted optomon, who emailed me these images. They are posted here with his permission. Thaddeus took down all his accounts and disappeared from the internet.
These images are inspirational for me. I love how silhouettes are used to suggest depth, how colors bring out details like the rust on the walkways in the clock tower, and the amount of detail packed into cleverly re-used tiles like in the machinery, arches, stonework and Victorian buildings. Hope you guys like it too.