Other Nintendo consoles with RGB output can play NES games in emulation:
- acNES for GameCube (used in Animal Crossing)
- acNES for Game Boy Advance (used in Animal Crossing Advance Play versions, e-Reader, and Classic NES Series) in the Game Boy Player accessory
- PocketNES for Game Boy Advance (used in rereleases of Atlus and Jaleco games) in the Game Boy Player accessory
- Virtual Console for Wii
I really wouldn't trust the GBA palettes because they've been gamma-corrected to compensate for the GBA's overly dark display. But if emulators don't count at all, consider a
third-party PPU add-on that watches the signals going in and out of the PPU and uses them to create an RGB signal. Also consider the Famicom Titler and Sharp TVs with a Famicom cassette port, which use an RGB PPU.
Dwedit wrote:
I wouldn't want to "glean" anything from a .jpg.
Each output channel of the RGB PPU (red, green, blue) is known to have 8 levels, much like the Genesis VDP. If you can pick out these 8 peaks in the histogram, you have a pretty good idea of what the original levels were supposed to be. On the other hand, someone has done this for you:
2C03 palette