CopyNES, PowePak and Mapper 37...

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CopyNES, PowePak and Mapper 37...
by on (#81414)
In a collection of roms (GoodNES) There is a rom called:
"Super Mario Bros. + Tetris + Nintendo World Cup (E) [!]"

It does work fine in NEStopia, but does not run on the PowerPak. So instead I tried dumping it myself... (With hopes that my dump would work).

Here are the game I am talking about:
(Super Mario Bros. / Tetris / Nintendo World Cup):

The Copynes doesn't seem to support that mapper, so I chosed this one instead:

Well, the dump I got seemed to work quite fine, but the only game that's playable is Tetris. The other games reset the game.

Mapper 37 isn't playable at all on the PowerPak, or is it a way to make it work? Could I make a good dump of the game using another mapper?

by on (#81415)
It's not the dump/rom file. PowerPAK must not emulate that mapper which is why it doesn't work. The website shows no support for a mapper 37.

by on (#81416)
About the dumping part then? I'd like to dump the cart myself. Making it work at least in emulators...

Even though there are a working dump, making my own from my own cart, feels a bit better. :)

by on (#81417)
Seems familiar to me. It's a long time since I dumped it, but I remember that only tetris worked in the dump from the copynes plugin I tried (think it was so I had to write a new one. It's here and should work for dumping this cart:

by on (#81420)
Kreese wrote:
About the dumping part then? I'd like to dump the cart myself. Making it work at least in emulators...

Even though there are a working dump, making my own from my own cart, feels a bit better. :)

You're going to have to find out the details of how the mapper works. Then write a dump script for it to use your copynes, kazzo, or some other dumping device.

I haven't looked hard but at quick glance I don't see anything listed about it in Disch's mapper docs. Figuring out how the mapper works may be your biggest obsacle. But someone's done it at some point obviously. I'd bet it's some flavor of MMC1 though, it's promissing that you've got one of the games to work, perhaps someone else will be able to shed more light.

by on (#81421)
But mapper 47, used by Super Spike V'Ball/Nintendo World Cup, is marked as good. Would a ROM hack replacing SSVB with Super Mario Bros. and LJ65 be close enough? :P

by on (#81453)
infiniteneslives wrote:
I'd bet it's some flavor of MMC1 though, it's promissing that you've got one of the games to work, perhaps someone else will be able to shed more light.

Bootgod's database already tells you what it is. It's a MMC3 with a 74'161. More than likely it is quite similar to other MMC3 multicart setups. Since it is supported in some emulators then the register setup is known.